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Katuysha 5 класс

One of the best-known weapon of the Great Patriotic War is a well-known "Katyusha".

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1«Katyusha»
5 «А» 5 «В» Class
Municipal autonomous educational institution
Secondary General School

Troitsk, Moscow

Tikhonova J.A.

They forged our Victory

«Katyusha»5 «А» 5 «В» ClassMunicipal autonomous educational institutionSecondary General School №2Troitsk, Moscow

Слайд 2One of the best-known weapon of the Great Patriotic War

is a well-known "Katyusha".

One of the best-known weapon of the Great Patriotic War is a well-known

Слайд 3This weapon was created in 1941 year by Nikolay Tihomirov

and Vladimir Artemiev.
In 2016 year «Katyusha» celebrates the 75th anniversary

of the creation.
This weapon was created in 1941 year by Nikolay Tihomirov and Vladimir Artemiev.In 2016 year «Katyusha» celebrates

Слайд 4.

During the Great Patriotic War «Katyusha» was very secret.

to this weapon
the Russian army won the cruel war.

.During the Great Patriotic War «Katyusha» was very secret. Thanks to this weapon the Russian army won

Слайд 5«Katyusha» was successfully applied until the end of the Great

Patriotic War causing hatred and fear of the enemy.

«Katyusha» was successfully applied until the end of the Great Patriotic War causing hatred and fear of

Слайд 6The name of the weapon «Katyusha» was taken from a

well - known song «Katyusha» created in 1938

by the composer Matvey Blanter and the poet Michail Isakovskiy.

M. Blanter

M. Isakovskiy

The name of the weapon «Katyusha» was taken from a well - known song «Katyusha» created in

Слайд 7Now people sing «Katyusha»
in many different foreign languages.

Now people sing «Katyusha» in many different foreign languages.

Слайд 8"Katyusha" is a legend of the Great Patriotic War and

the tool of our Victory!

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