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КВН по английскому языку 5-6 класс

Find the odd phrase and guess the season, it will be the name of your team.To make a snowman          To lie in the sun To wear warm сlothing                       To ski and skate   

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2Find the odd phrase and guess the season, it will

be the name of your team.
To make a snowman          
To lie

in the sun 
To wear warm сlothing                       To ski and skate                                


Find the odd phrase and guess the season, it will be the name of your team.To make a

Слайд 3To swim and fish
To have a rest from school
To lie

in the sun
To play hockey

To swim and fishTo have a rest from schoolTo lie in the sunTo play hockeysummer

Слайд 4Green, brown, white, yellow, yellow
Yellow, red, black, brown, blue

Green, brown, white, yellow, yellow Yellow, red, black, brown, bluedressshirt

Слайд 5Gather the letters according to their numbers in the alphabet

and you will get the word you like very much.

15, 12, 9, 4, 1, 25, 19


Gather the letters according to their numbers in the alphabet and you will get the word you

1. Maths, pencil, Biology, History
2. Red, yellow,

blue, fish
3. Russia, English, French, German
4. Pen, school bag, drama,

pencil case

5. Desk, teacher, blackboard, book case

6. Year, month, week, pupil 

FIND THE ODD WORD.1. Maths, pencil, Biology, History2. Red, yellow, blue, fish3. Russia, English, French, German4. Pen,

I Art like.
My subject

is favourite Drama.
I speak English can.
In Britain wear a uniform

The lasts lesson 45 minutes.
Summer in we have got holidays summer.
PUT THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER.I Art like.My subject is favourite Drama.I speak English can.In Britain

Слайд 10Define grammatical tense: Present Simple, Past Simple or Future Simple

arranged a party last week.
Steve’s grandmother usually cooks a very

tasty cake.
Sam played football yesterday.
My father will repair his car tomorrow.
We go to school every day.
Nick will go to the concert in 3 days.
Define grammatical tense: Present Simple, Past Simple or Future SimpleJohn arranged a party last week.Steve’s grandmother usually

Слайд 11Answers:
Past Simple
Present Simple
Past Simple
Future Simple
Present Simple
Future Simple

Answers:Past SimplePresent SimplePast SimpleFuture SimplePresent SimpleFuture Simple

Слайд 12Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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