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May in Brazil

May temperature in Brazil is quite comfortable – the air is heated from 25 to 29 °C and rainfall is low – it rains, on average, 5-7 days per month. Humidity

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Слайд 1May in Brazil
Plankova Veronica Andreevna,
English teacher,
school 24,

May in Brazil Plankova Veronica Andreevna,English teacher,school 24,Irkutsk

Слайд 2May temperature in Brazil is quite comfortable – the air

is heated from 25 to 29 °C and rainfall is

low – it rains, on average, 5-7 days per month. Humidity is only in the Amazon where rain falls for more than half of the month.

It’s a good trip time for Russian people. But what events can they enjoy there during this time?

May temperature in Brazil is quite comfortable – the air is heated from 25 to 29 °C

Слайд 3.
When we talk about Brazil holidays, we imagine gorgeous carnival

in Rio: floats and thousands of dancers and musicians. The

people are dressed in elaborate costumes and dance sambas in the streets.
.When we talk about Brazil holidays, we imagine gorgeous carnival in Rio: floats and thousands of dancers

Слайд 4But what holidays do the Brazilian people have in May?

But what holidays do the Brazilian people have in May?

Слайд 5Curiously (given the origin of the 1 May date), the

United States celebrates Labor Day on the first Monday of September.

holiday became associated with the workers defending their rights for fixed working hours, minimum wages, social benefits and guarantees.
Curiously (given the origin of the 1 May date), the United States celebrates Labor Day on the first

Слайд 6Just like for Russian people for most Brazilians Labor Day

is just one day off during which they rest relying

on their interests. Very often Brazilians are going to companies and doing churasco – fried large pieces of meat on the grill or skewers. Also, the Brazilians love to play sports. They are happy to go running, rollerblading, playing volleyball or soccer.
Just like for Russian people for most Brazilians Labor Day is just one day off during which

Слайд 7Another holiday, the Feast of Corpus Christi, is a Catholic festival celebrated on

the second Thursday. Corpus Christi means the Body of Christ.

It is primarily a Roman Catholic feast, but it is also acknowledged in England. Across many parts of medieval Europe, Corpus Christi was a popular time for the performance of mystery plays.
Another holiday, the Feast of Corpus Christi, is a Catholic festival celebrated on the second Thursday. Corpus Christi means the

Слайд 8Would you like to visit Brazil?

Would you like to visit Brazil?

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