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Modern Invention 10 класс

SpeakingWhat are these invention? Look at this pictures and identify the objects.Then talk about:What each object is.Use the phrases to talk as in the example.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Modern Invention

Modern Invention

Слайд 2 Speaking
What are these invention? Look

at this pictures and identify the objects.
Then talk about:
What each

object is.

Use the phrases to talk as in the example.
• I think • I‘ m not sure • Perhaps • It could be • I may be wrong • I think it was • I think so• I can‘ t remember

SpeakingWhat are these invention? Look at this pictures and identify the objects.Then

Слайд 3

How you use these objects.
Use the phrases to talk as

in the example.
• I think • I‘ m not sure

• Perhaps • It could be • I may be wrong • I think it was • I think so• I can‘ t remember

How you use these objects.Use the phrases to talk as in the example.• I think • I‘

Слайд 4How these objects have changed our lives.

Use the phrases to

talk as in the example.
• I think • I‘

m not sure • Perhaps • It could be • I may be wrong • I think it was • I think so• I can‘ t remember

How these objects have changed our lives.Use the phrases to talk as in the example. • I

Слайд 5Which objects you couldn’t do without.
Use the phrases to talk

as in the example.
• I think • I‘ m

not sure • Perhaps • It could be • I may be wrong • I think it was • I think so• I can‘ t remember

Which objects you couldn’t do without.Use the phrases to talk as in the example. • I think

Слайд 6Which of this you consider to be the most important

invention? Why?
Use the phrases to talk as in the example.

• I think • I‘ m not sure • Perhaps • It could be • I may be wrong • I think it was • I think so• I can‘ t remember

Which of this you consider to be the most important invention? Why?Use the phrases to talk as

Слайд 7

Invention which changed the WORLD
A: Who was the telephone

invented by?
B: I think it was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
Alexander Graham Bell
John Logie Baird
Charles Ginesburg
Charles Babbage
James T. Russel
Alexander Bain
Rene Laënnec
Thomas Alva Edison
Anton van Leevwenhoek
Charles Babbege
William Mogrege








Fax machine


Light bulb


Invention which changed the WORLDA: Who

Слайд 8 The air conditioner was invented by Willis

Carrier in 1902.
In pairs, match the columns. Then,

make sentences as in the example.
Invention Inventor Year
air conditioner Percy Spencer 1902
sewing machine Willy Muller 1935
microwave oven Elias Howe 1890
hairdryer Alexander Godefoy 1946
answering machine Willis Carrier 1844

Which of the inventions do you consider the most important? Why?
The air conditioner was invented by Willis Carrier in 1902.  In pairs, match

Слайд 9 Inventors and inventions

Fill in: invented,

discovered, changed, improved, developed.
The Wright brothers changed the world when

they flew the first plane in 1903.
The invention of a radar has……………………………………………………………...navigation and safety at sea.
Alexander Fleming…………………………………………..penicillin by accident.
In 1838, Louis Daguerre…………………………………….. The first practical process of photography.
The TV was……………………………….. By John Logie Baird in 1926.

Which other inventors have you heard of? What are they famous for?

Inventors and inventions  Fill in: invented, discovered, changed, improved, developed.The Wright brothers changed the

Слайд 10Match column A to column B, then make sentences about


If we didn‘t have satellites, we couldn't/ wouldn‘t be able

to receive TV pictures in our houses.
Talk about other inventions that help us communicate, as above.

Match column A to column B, then make sentences about satellites. If we didn‘t have satellites, we

Слайд 11 Look at the pictures,

then put the words in the text.

Hundreds of satellite orbit the earth a transmit
information that makes our lives better. There are special instruments on all satellites, which help
them to work properly. All satellites have a(n) 1)……
………which receives signals and sends them back
2)……………….. on earth. Satellites all have a 3)………………..
that collect energy from the sun as well
as 4)………………
to everything. Satellites which study
the planets have a
5)………………… and weather satellites
have cameras. Some satellites are
launched into space by rockets and other
are carried by the 6)………………………….
Replace the words in bold with their synonyms
• sent off • go around • tools • power • send


Space shuttle



Solar cells

Satellite dishes

Look at the pictures, then put the words in the text.

Слайд 12Which of the following do you have in your home?

At home, we‘ve got mobile telephone.
1 thermostat

2 mobile phone

4 garage 3 vacuum
door cleaner

5 smoke alarm
6 electric fan

7 instamatic

Which of the following do you have in your home?  At home, we‘ve got mobile telephone.1

Слайд 13Match the prompts to the pictures. Discuss how the items

make your life easier.
A: You can turn a thermostat to

regular setting to heat your house.
B:That’s true and it automatically
regulates the temperature.
A turn to regular setting/ automatically regulate temperature
B clean quickly/ easy to use
C keep room cool/ not feel hot on warm summer days
D open door – without leaving car/ good in cold wet weather
E warn of smoke or fire/ wake you up at night if fire breaks out
F develop photographs immediately/ save on cost of film processing
G take it almost everywhere/ not miss important calls

Match the prompts to the pictures. Discuss how the items make your life easier.A: You can turn

Слайд 14
Pre-Reading task.
Look at the picture. Who is/ are

famous for:
revolutionising personal computers;
the theory of relativity; scientific

research and experiments;
developing atomic energy;
Founding Apple;
Being a strong believer in world peace;
Surviving lift-out, re-entry and weightlessness in space?
How do you think these people changed the world?
Pre-Reading task. Look at the picture. Who is/ are famous for: revolutionising personal computers; the theory of

Слайд 15 People who changed the World
A Yuri Gagarin

“I see Earth. It’s so beautiful!” These are the first words ever spoken by a human in space. The speaker was 27-year-old Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.
Yuri Gagarin was born on 9 March 1934, in Smolensk, Russia. When he left school, Yuri decided to train as an engineer, so he enrolled at a technical college on the outskirts of Moscow. While he was a student, he became interested in aircraft and took lessons at a local flying school. Soon it became obvious he was talented pilot, so when he finished his studies in 1955, he joined the Soviet Air Force. This proved to be a turning point in his life. He was chosen to be a test- pilot, flying new and experimental aircraft. Yuri was selected to join a special group of the country’s best test pilots and went on to further training to be a cosmonaut. His instructors described him as very calm and confident with very quick reactions.
Yuri’s epic one-hundred-and-eight-minute flight into space on 12 April 1961, made headline news all over the world. It was man’s first venture into space and the beginning of his journey to the stars. As the pilot of the spaceship, Gagarin proved that a human could survive lift-out, re-entry and weightlessness and return safely to Earth. What’s more, he was able to record important data which future astronauts would use.
Yuri Gagarin became a national hero. Unfortunately, he was tragically killed seven years later in a plane crash. He was thirty-four years old.

People who changed the WorldA  Yuri Gagarin

Слайд 16

B Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

is one of the most gifted scientists of all

time. He is best known for his theory of relativity, which he developed when he was only twenty-six and which changed the way scientists looked at space and time.
Einstein was born on 14 March 1874, in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany. He studied Mathematics and Physics at Zurich. University and continued to live in Switzerland after finishing his studies. He worked in an office, but spent his spare time doing scientific research and experiments.
He became professor at Zurich University in 1909, but even before that his research had made him an important force in the world of physics. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics.
Einstein’s genius changed the course of history, since it was central to the development of atomic energy. Einstein was an outspoken believer in world peace, however, and he was deeply saddened when he realised the outcome of his research would be an atom bomb. He said at the time, “If only I had known, I’d have become a watchmaker.”
In 1933, Einstein accepted a position for life as a professor at Princeton University. He lived there, dedicated to the study of physics, until his death in 1955.

B  Albert Einstein     Albert Einstein is one of the most gifted scientists

Слайд 17C Steve Jobs

In 1975, Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer, a company that

revolutionised the personal computer.
Born in 1955, Steve grew up in Silicon Valley, California. He dropped out of college after the first term and took a job as a video game designer. Here he met up with an old friend, Steve Woznaik, and together they founded Apple.
The pair built their first computer in Job’s parents’ garage. A local electronics shop bought fifty of these computer and the company was on its way to success. The company‘s second model, Apple II, changed the computer industry forever by making computers smaller and more user-friendly, so they could be used by ordinary people. Both charming and demanding, Jobs managed to push Apple Computer to the head of the computer revolution.
Steve Jobs’ visionary designs changed people’s idea of computers. “We started out to get a computer in the hands of everyday people, and we succeeded beyond our wildest dreams”, he once said. He now has plans to lead another revolution, this time in software, by making it quicker and cheaper to develop.

C   Steve Jobs      In 1975, Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer,

Слайд 18 Comprehension check.

Write G(Gagarin), E(Einstein) or J(Jobs) next to the adjectives that describe each person‘s character.
1 outspoken 5 confident
2 calm 6 charming
3 demanding 7 gifted
4 talented 8 visionary

Comprehension check.

Слайд 19Read the article and write G, E or J in

the correct box.
was disappointed with how his work used?

made something that could be used 2
by the average person?
developed something new? 3 4
became famous overnight? 5
paved the way for others? 6 7
did something that could have been
dangerous for him? 8
received an important award? 9
achieved his dream? 10

Read the article and write G, E or J in the correct box.Who…was disappointed with how his

Слайд 20

Circle the correct meaning

1. experimental

a. new and being tested
b. used in a test

2. epic a. dangerous
b. impressive

3. venture a. sth done for the first time
b. sth new, exciting and difficult

4. data a. collection
b. information

5. revolutionised a. caused great changes
b. started something

6. lift-out a. when a rocket leaves
the ground
b. when a rocket leaves
the atmosphere

Circle the correct meaning1.

Слайд 21Use the prompts below to make sentences, as in the

Yuri Gagarin/ not be/ talented pilot

he/ not become/ cosmonaut
Albert Einstein/ not be/ dedicated scientist he/ not develop/ theory/ change the world
Steve Jobs/ not drop out/ college he/ not become/ computer designer
If Yuri Gagarin hadn’t been a talented pilot, he would not have become a cosmonaut.

Use the prompts below to make sentences, as in the example.Yuri Gagarin/ not be/ talented pilot

Слайд 22

Vocabulary Practice

Fill in the correct word, then make sentences.
• scientific • weather • job • turning
• exploration • important • personal
• national • smart • ordinary

3 space……….....................
4 ….………………………hero
5 ……………………...patterns
6 ………………………….point
7 ……………………..research
8 ………………………..people
9 …………………......interview
10 …………………………card

Fill in: of, in, from, with, over then make sentences using the completed phrases.
1 to be jealous………………….sb
2 wrong…………………………sth
3 …………………………the future
4 to work…………………….home
5 the pilot…………..the spaceship
6 ………………………the Internet
7 to keep…………touch….…...sth
8 the invention…………………sth
9 the course……………………sth
10become interested………….sth

Vocabulary Practice

Слайд 23Think of a famous inventor from your country. Use an

encyclopedia or the Internet to fill in information under the

headings below. Then write about him/her and what he/she invented. • inventor’s name • invention • year it was invented • importance
Think of a famous inventor from your country. Use an encyclopedia or the Internet to fill in

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