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The heart of Moscow is Red Square. And the heart of Red Square is the Kremlin. The first wooden Kremlin was built by Prince Yurii Dolgorykii.The Kremlin

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Moscow is the capital of Russia. Its political, economic and

cultural centre. Moscow is one of the largest cities in

the world. Moscow is one of the oldest and the most interesting cities in the world.


Moscow is the capital of Russia. Its political, economic and cultural centre. Moscow is one of the

Слайд 2The heart of Moscow is Red Square. And the heart

of Red Square is the Kremlin.

The first wooden Kremlin

was built by Prince Yurii Dolgorykii.

The Kremlin

The heart of Moscow is Red Square. And the heart of Red Square is the Kremlin. The

Слайд 3The State Tretyakov Gallery. The gallery is named after great

Russian person Pavel Tretyakov who left his collection as a

gift to the nation. It has become one of the most popular places of interest in Moscow since then.

The State Tretyakov Gallery

The State Tretyakov Gallery. The gallery is named after great Russian person Pavel Tretyakov who left his

Слайд 4The Bolshoi Theatre was opened in 1825. The theatre seats

2,150. The company has more than 900 members.

The Bolshoi Theatre was opened in 1825. The theatre seats 2,150. The company has more than 900

Слайд 5The Saint Basil’s Cathedral is in Red Square in Moscow.

It is one of the outstanding symbols of the Russian

Federation. It was built from 1555-1561 on orders from the tsar Ivan the Terrible by Russian architects Barma and Postnik to commemorate the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan.
The architecture of the cathedral is unique and amazing; it attracts the attention of historians, culture specialists, fine art experts and tourists.

The Saint Basil’s Cathedral

The cathedral is an ensemble of eight churches of different shapes topped with onion domes that are traditional for the Russian architecture.

The Saint Basil’s Cathedral is in Red Square in Moscow. It is one of the outstanding symbols

Слайд 6Cast the Tsar Bell in 1733 the bell master Ivan

MOTORIN with his son Michael. The first attempt was unsuccessful.

Tsar Bell

The Tsar Bell painted the paint to not shine at night and did not let hum German bombers because inside it from June to September was posted communications center Kremlin polka.

Cast the Tsar Bell in 1733 the bell master Ivan MOTORIN with his son Michael. The first

Слайд 7Tsar Pushka (Царь-пушка in Russian, literally "king of cannons") is

a huge cannon, founded in 1586 by a Russian founding

master Andrey Chokhov. The cannon weighs 39312 kg, has a length of 5.34 metres, a calibre of 890 mm, and an external diameter of 1200 mm. The cannon was intended to fire grapeshot and to defend the Kremlin in times of warIt is decorated with reliefs, including one depicting Tsar Fedor Ivanovich on a horse. The original wooden carriage was made in the early 19th century, but was destroyed by fire in 1812. The new carriage and cast iron cannonballs were founded in 1835. The cannon is placed inside the Moscow Kremlin next to the Tsar Kolokol. It was last restored in 1980. The Guinness Book of Records lists it as the largest howitzer ever made.

TheTsar Pushka

Tsar Pushka (Царь-пушка in Russian, literally

Слайд 8The end.

The end.

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