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Mother's Day History

The first history of Mother’s Day dates back to the ancient spring festival in Greece. The Greeks celebrated the festival in honour of godness Rhea (Рэя), wife of Cronus (Кронос) and

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Слайд 1«Mother’s Day»

«Mother’s Day»

Слайд 2The first history of Mother’s Day dates back to the

ancient spring festival in Greece. The Greeks celebrated the festival

in honour of godness Rhea (Рэя), wife of Cronus (Кронос) and the mother of many gods.

The first history of Mother’s Day dates back to the ancient spring festival in Greece. The Greeks

Слайд 3In 250 BC in Rome there were religious holidays in

honour of godness Cybele (Кибела). These religious holidays lasted 3

days in March.
In 250 BC in Rome there were religious holidays in honour of godness Cybele (Кибела). These religious

Слайд 4 В Англии (England) традиция праздновать День матери

(Mother’s Day) началась в самом начале 17 века. В четвертое

воскресенье поста люди стали праздновать Воскресенье матери (Mothering Sunday). Это был праздник всех матерей Англии. По мере распространение христианства в Европе, это воскресенье стало праздником Матери Церкви (Mother Church).
В Англии (England) традиция праздновать День матери (Mother’s Day) началась в самом начале 17

Слайд 5Со временем церковный праздник слился воедино с праздником светским. Так

как это было время богатых аристократов и огромных особняков, большая

часть прислуги работала и жила в домах своих хозяев. В Воскресенье матери (Mothering Sunday) все слуги получали выходной, они возвращались в свои семьи, чтобы провести этот день со своими матерями. В этот день полагалось навещать матерей и приносить им в подарок «материнский торт» (Simnel Cakes) в обмен на материнское благословление.

Со временем церковный праздник слился воедино с праздником светским. Так как это было время богатых аристократов и

Слайд 6Today people celebrate Mothers Day in many countries : the

USA, the UK, India, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, Mexico,

Canada, China, Japan and Belgium. People give their mothers flowers, presents and cards and thank them for all their love and care.

Today people celebrate Mothers Day in many countries : the USA, the UK, India, Denmark, Finland, Italy,

Слайд 7Mother’s Day in England people celebrate in March, April or

May, because Mother's Day celebrations take place on the fourth

Sunday in the month of Lent (пост), so the date for Mother’s Day changes every year.
Mother’s Day in England people celebrate in March, April or May, because Mother's Day celebrations take place

Слайд 8Today, the traditional festival of Mothers Day in England is

a great time. On this day children give flowers, sweets,

cards and presents to their mother to show their love and care.
Today, the traditional festival of Mothers Day in England is a great time. On this day children

Слайд 9
Mothering Sunday sometimes has the name of Simnel Sunday because of

the tradition of baking Simnel cakes. It is a special

fruit cake with 12 balls of marzipan (марципан). They are the symbols of 12 Zodiac signs. The name of this cake comes from a latin flour sort.
Mothering Sunday sometimes has the name of Simnel Sunday because of the tradition of baking Simnel cakes. It

Слайд 10Children write poems and draw cards for their mothers.

Children write poems and draw cards for their mothers.

Слайд 12Questions
When did the tradition to celebrate Mother's Day begin?
What people

have been doing on this day?
When do people celebrate Mother's

Day in England?
What do people do on this day now?

QuestionsWhen did the tradition to celebrate Mother's Day begin?What people have been doing on this day?When do

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