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Мой Казахстан (презентация к дню языков)

 22nd of September people of our Republic celebrate the Day of Languages. 

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My Kazakhstan

My Kazakhstan

Слайд 2 22nd of September people of our Republic celebrate the Day

of Languages. 

 22nd of September people of our Republic celebrate the Day of Languages. 

Слайд 3Peoples of Kazakhstan

Peoples of Kazakhstan

Слайд 4National Flag of Republic Kazakhstan

National Flag of Republic Kazakhstan

Слайд 5What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

Слайд 6Astana


Слайд 7Who is the president of our Republic?

Who is the president of our Republic?

Слайд 8Nursultan Nazarbayev

Nursultan Nazarbayev

Слайд 9What musical instruments of Kazakhs do you know?

What musical instruments of Kazakhs do you know?

Слайд 11What’s the capital of Great Britain?

What’s the capital of Great Britain?

Слайд 13What holiday do people of Great Britain celebrate on the

25th of December?

What holiday do people of Great Britain celebrate on the 25th of December?

Слайд 14Christmas Day

Christmas Day

Слайд 15When was Kazakhstan declared independent?

When was Kazakhstan declared independent?

Слайд 1616th December Independent day of Kazakhstan

16th December Independent day of Kazakhstan

Слайд 17Traditional Kazakh food

Traditional Kazakh food

Слайд 18Beshbarmak and kumys

Beshbarmak and kumys

Слайд 19I want to tell you about my homeland. My homeland

is Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is an independent Republic. It is situated

in the Central Asia. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. The territory of Kazakhstan is huge. It borders on China in the East and the Caspian Sea in the West, Russian in the North and the states of Asia in the South.
The earth of Kazakhstan is full of iron and gold, coal, nickel and raw materials. Also Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources. Kazakh-is the official language of the country, but Russian and other languages are spoken here too. Kazakhstan has hundreds of nationalities that’s why all people speak their native language. Great attention is paid to the development of culture and education the Kazakhstan University, the Opera and Ballet Theater named after Abai Kunanbayev are well known. There are many big industrial centers in Kazakhstan such as Karaganda, Almaty, Semey and Shymkent.
Our president now is Nursultan Nazarbayev. The president is elected every seven years. The climate is strongly continental. KZ- has its own flag, anthem and national traditions and holidays. I think the most important holiday in our country is- Nayris. I’m proud of my country.


I want to tell you about my homeland. My homeland is Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is an independent Republic.

Слайд 20Pushkin was a great Kazakh poet.
Pavlodar is a capital

of Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is not an independent Republic.

Aubakirov is a President of Kazakhstan.
Ili is the largest river in Kazakhstan.
Abai is a first cosmonaut of Kazakhstan.

Correct these sentences:

Pushkin was a great Kazakh poet. Pavlodar is a capital of Kazakhstan Kazakhstan is not an independent

Слайд 21

Найди лишнее

BasketballVolleyballFoodHockey Найди лишнее

Слайд 22

MilkHorse Water Juice

Слайд 23Dog

Dog Cat Toy Caw

Слайд 24Song “London-Moskow-Astana”

Song “London-Moskow-Astana”

Слайд 25Sights of Great Britain and Kazakhstan

Sights of Great Britain and Kazakhstan

Слайд 26Thank you for attention!

Thank you for attention!

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