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Musicians, composers and performers from Rostov-on-Don

Musicians, composers and performers from Rostov-on-DonDo you know them?

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Слайд 1English
Project work
MOU Gulyay-Borisovskaya school № 4
Form 9 “a”
Elaborated by
Irina Emtzeva,

Alyona Gromova.

Romanova I. N.


EnglishProject workMOU Gulyay-Borisovskaya school № 4Form 9 “a”Elaborated byIrina Emtzeva, Alyona Gromova.TeacherRomanova I. N.2009-2010

Слайд 2Musicians, composers and performers from Rostov-on-Don
Do you know them?

Musicians, composers and performers from Rostov-on-DonDo you know them?

Слайд 3Rostov region is known thanks to a great many its

inhabitants- Izobella Yureva, Zakary Enikeev, Anton Kusyakov, Nadolinsky, Viktor Tartanov

and others.
Rostov region is known thanks to a great many its inhabitants- Izobella Yureva, Zakary Enikeev, Anton Kusyakov,

Слайд 4Isabell Yurieva was born on August, 25th ( 7 September)

1899 in Rostov-on-Don, one of five children in a craft

Jewish family. Her father, Daniel Grigorevich Livikov, was a master of theatrical hats, mother, Sophia Isaakovna, - postizherom.
Since 1920, she studied in Petrograd at a pianist and composer A. V. Taskin. The debut performance took place in 1922 at a cinema “Collosseo” where Yurieva sang several songs, including “Poor” A. Alyabyev- P. Beranzhe. She received an invitation to act in Moscow “Hermitage”. In the same year her first tour to Rostov was hold.
In 1929 she was taking part in an evening of Gipsy romance in the Columns hall in Moscow. For original execution of Gipsy songs Yurieva began to name “ white gipsy”.
During the Great Patriotic War participated in patronage conserts on the Karelian and Kalininsky fronts.
In the postwar period the singer was undeservedly forgotten. Only in 1992 she was finally awarded the title People’s Artist of Russia, then she was awarded the Order “ For Merits for the Motherland” IV degrees (1999). Isabella Danilovna Yurieva lived last years in Trekhpruny Lane and died on January 20, 2000 in Moscow, is buried in the Don

Isabella Danilovna Yurieva

Isabell Yurieva was born on August, 25th ( 7 September) 1899 in Rostov-on-Don, one of five children

Слайд 5Anatoly Kusyakov became the first composer in the Rostov region

to whom the rank of the national actor of Russia

is appropriated.
The professor of the Rostov conservatory Anatoly Kusyakov became the first composer in area to whom the rank of the national actor of Russia is appropriated. This event has coincided with one date - the sixtieth anniversary of the musician.
Kusyakov wrote music almost forty years. For these years it is created more than eighty products of different genres. In Anatoly Kusyakov's work record card there is one record - thirty five years he teaches students to write music in the Rostov State Conservatory of a name of Rachmaninov.
The main thing for him - that his music was performed.

Anatoly Kusyakov

Anatoly Kusyakov became the first composer in the Rostov region to whom the rank of the national

Слайд 6Symphony Orchestra of the Rostov State Musical Theater was founded

in 1999. Today over one hundred artists of a high

professional level work in it - graduates of the most prestigious performing schools in the world: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Minsk, Rostov State Conservatory. It gives the theater an opportunity to apply to the execution of the most complex and large-scale of opera and ballet scores of the classical music repertoire - such as works by Verdi, Puccini, Rossini, Donizetti, Maurice Ravel, Charles Guno, Minkus , J. Shtrauss, J. Offenbach, Tchaikovsky, NA Rimsky-Korsakov, Shostakovich, Prokofiev and many others.

Symphony orchestra

Symphony Orchestra of the Rostov State Musical Theater was founded in 1999. Today over one hundred artists

Слайд 7Professional skill of orchestral players allows collective to execute not

only theatrical music, but also to show the big concert

performances, executions different by the highest level and noted serious listener’s interest. Among them – the annual traditional «Christmas concerts», «Concerts encore», variety of vocal and symphonic programs, concerts of symphonic products of –W. A. Motsart, P.Tchaikovsky, S.Rahmaninov and many others.

Professional skill of orchestral players allows collective to execute not only theatrical music, but also to show

Слайд 8Many musicians of the orchestra in 2008, took part in

the festival orchestras in the world (Moscow). A brilliant game

of Symphonic collective of the theater allowed it to go on successfully tour on the countries of Europe, many times to become the nominee of the National Theatrical Award "Golden Mask", and in 2005 to receive this award once in 2 nominations.

Many musicians of the orchestra in 2008, took part in the festival orchestras in the world (Moscow).

Слайд 9The collective with the big success performed at such prestigious

scenic platforms as London Royal Albert Hall and Cadogan Hall,

Birmingham Symphony Hall, Glasgow Symphony Hall, Dublin Theater "Felix”, the Roman House of Music, a hall Rhine festival in Mainz, the Bolshoi Theater, Mariinsky Theater, St. Michael's Palace and others. The eminent conductors: Andrew Galanov, Alexander Anisimov, Valeri Voronin (Russia), Maurizio Dones, Marcello Motadelli, Giovanni Froyo (Italy), Robert Layall (USA) and others work productively with orchestra Rostov musical theatre.
The collective with the big success performed at such prestigious scenic platforms as London Royal Albert Hall

Слайд 10Thanks to the enthusiasm and skill of young soloists in

the collective were formed chamber ensembles - string quartet "Benefit"

and violin ensemble under the direction of Sergei Nesterov . The creative person of an orchestra is determined today the chief conductor of the theater - Valery Voronin, main invited conductor - Maurizio Dones (Italy).

Thanks to the enthusiasm and skill of young soloists in the collective were formed chamber ensembles -

Слайд 11Rostov-on-Don is reached so young talented people, groups of musicians.

Rostov-on-Don is reached so young talented people, groups of musicians.

Слайд 12His credo: "Every child is an artist. The challenge is

to remain an artist, coming out of childhood”. Pablo Pi.

 Born July 19, 1983. Education-Rostov State Conservatory (2004), The Juilliard School of Performing Arts, New York (second career). Zakary Enikeev became the first in the history of southern Russia and the SFD violist-winner of international competition. In the 16 years he gave his first concert. "In the game of Zakary Enikeev always felt the charm of the fine art of individuality “- so about a young talent Nina Beilina Leading Russian violinist speaks . Awards: Second Prize winner of the Sixth International Competition for Musicians stringed instruments (Tolyatti, 2002);  Laureate head of Administration (Governor) of the Rostov region, for the great achievements in the field of culture (2002);  Finalist International Competition Stolberg International Spring Competition (USA, 2003), was awarded a scholarship of the RF Government, for his outstanding abilities in the field of culture (2003). His parents instilled in their unique son, the love of music and generally facilitate the full disclosing of his talent. Career of the son and his passion for classical music began to sense the life of parents.  He dreams to continue the traditions begun by outstanding violists William Primrose, Vadim Borisovsky and others.

Zakary Enikeev

His credo:

Слайд 13
Group “Infiniti" originates in far 1999. Till 2006 the group

was called «Black and White». The first tracks registered still

then, but before performances and concerts was still very far. Persistence and huge creative potential has helped participants of collective, and them are the vocalist Malta and a sound - producer Kutuzov Alexi (DJ Alex) to work till now and to let out some successful hits, such as «I another's», «Summer with you», «Mute tear».
But on the present group " Infiniti" becomes popular after a super-hit exit «Where you»! This track is a card of group.
Children from D.I.P. project have equipped the studio with new professional analogue synthesizers, processings and other fashionable "iron" and have started to achieve together with Alexey Kutuzov ("Infiniti") new fashionable sounding C on June, 16th a song "Where you" get to rotation of Russian of Radio and already in the first week of rotation "Gold Gramofon" is fixed in a chart. At the moment a composition "Where you" is played at such stations, as "Russian radio", "DFM", "Record", "the First popular", "Love Radio", Hit ФМ, Humour ФМ, Europe Plus, and also on many regional radio stations. A composition "Remain till a dawn" played on radio "Record" and "DFM".
Group “Infiniti" music is something new, positive, places romantic, but thus completely original and dancing. Their bright, melodious tracks possess property instantly to cheer up.
Group “Infiniti": Malta (Tanya) - a vocal.
Kutuzov Alexey (Dj Alex) - a sound-producer.

The Group “Infiniti”.

Group “Infiniti

Слайд 14
Group "13 Line" was formed in the city of Rostov-on-Don

in the early 2005.
Its structure included musicians of known

Rostov groups, and absolutely different directions. In music which is similar to a lyrics and alternative combination a-lja "Guano Ejps", rocking and fiery riffs of the fine guitarist Vova are combined .
Drummer Bill of Rostov grandfathers of heavy music - Group Keprofi ", this good-natured man may well upload hall sound that the audience will dance only under one of his drum kit. Bassist Michael from group “Paralon-band”. In his playing often slip notes of great technique known bassist Marcus Miller. But the poetry center and highlight the creative team is Ira Avakova whose melodious spiritual lyrics of Shiva in the group has outgrown in a heart-rending poetry incorporated all emotions and experiences of the cult of creative personality. The Group has established itself in the Rostov clubs as professionals in their field and as a group "which should be invited to any"


13th Line


Слайд 15There are musicians and singers in the different genres in

Rostov region. Among others performers in the genre of pop

There are musicians and singers in the different genres in Rostov region. Among others performers in the

Слайд 16NADOLINSKY Igor Yurievich (b. 2.09.1963 g.) –a musician (violin) and

singer in the genre of pop chanson was born in

the city of Korosten Zhytomyr region. Since a childhood he lives in the city of Rostov-on-Don. His father - a policeman, mother - a librarian. In parallel with the secondary school he was given and a music school for violin, studied with Anatoly Goreshenin. After many years Igor Nadolinsky began to teach in this music school. In grade 10 he took first place at the regional competition of amateur performance for execution of a song of own composition on Yaroslav Smelyakov’s poem "Cologne pit”. A little later, Igor Nadolinsky entranced at once on the second year of Rostov School of Arts and graduated with highest honors in 1983 for violin and composition. In the same year he entered the Rostov State Pedagogical Institute of Music and, after the first course he was drafted into the Army. Service Igor Nadolinsky held in Song and Dance Ensemble MVD USSR. In it he wrote a suite of Petrarch's sonnets in five parts for rock band and chamber orchestra. After demobilization in 1986, he continued his studies at the institute, which graduated in 1990, with highest honors traditionally on two classes. After then he got to work in a music school and soon began working in the restaurant (salary of the teacher a living did not enough).
NADOLINSKY Igor Yurievich (b. 2.09.1963 g.) –a musician (violin) and singer in the genre of pop chanson

Слайд 17Since the mid 1990's Igor Nadolinsky worked with the famous

Rostov pianist Sergei Filonov, and the legendary violinist Solomon Naumovich

Telecine (already deceased). In 1998, Igor Nadolinsky on the advice of friends takes part in the competition of young performers on the radio "This is Moscow”, where he won the first place. In 2004 he wrote his first song "I'm playing in the restaurant”, which came on the radio" Chanson "(Rostov), where on the competition it just won the first place. Also in 2004,he made his debut on the stage of the sports complex "Olympic" (Moscow) at the Festival "Chanson Year”. He participated in various festivals: Sochi, Volgograd, Kaliningrad and others. Since 2005, many works with Vladimir Andreyev (Stavropol), a joint concert program was released. He is married and has a daughter.
Since the mid 1990's Igor Nadolinsky worked with the famous Rostov pianist Sergei Filonov, and the legendary

Слайд 18Well-known author and performer of songs and musician Victor Tartanov

was born in Shachty of Rostov Region in the International

Day of the Blind in the thirteenth of November. Vision problems in the childhood in an adolescence ended in blindness. That did not stop the creative ambitions of Tartanov. At eighteen he entered the music school of a name of Rachmaninov. Under the guidance of a teacher Valentine Manuilov Viktor graduated from the class play the accordion and guitar, carried away composition.
Musically gifted Tartanov inherited from his grandfather and grandmother, known on Don the accordion player and singer Don Cossack songs, and from his father.

Viktor Tartanov

Well-known author and performer of songs and musician Victor Tartanov was born in Shachty of Rostov Region

Слайд 19Despite a physical illness Victor Tartanov could organise some concerts

of memory of Victor Tsoy in which musicians of Rostov

and area participated. Tartanov was nominated of the International creative competition "Philanthropist", and also awarded several bard festivals. For firmness, love to the Cossack song, belief in Fatherland Viktor Tartanov has awarded the Don Cossacks with a medal of "2000 of a Christmas», a medal «Save and Preserve» and an award «the Cover Blessed Virgin».


Despite a physical illness Victor Tartanov could organise some concerts of memory of Victor Tsoy in which

Слайд 20At the concerts in Rostov-on-Don and area, and also in

Moscow, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, and he performs his lyrical songs about

nature, love, joy and sorrow, about the problems of the young ( "Autumn Song", "Everything is simple"), and also ballads and pop compositions,the Cossack songs. Tartanov’s favorite band is "Cinema" and "Pink Floid. Victor well knows and highly appreciates the work of Okudzhava, Vysotsky, Rosenbaum.
At the concerts in Rostov-on-Don and area, and also in Moscow, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, and he performs his

Слайд 21Some city both regional straight lines a tele- and radio

airs with the musician helped him to get a recognition

of thousand listeners. The most grateful spectators are children-invalids from the specialised centres and children's homes as for them Victor Tartanov is a modern example of firmness and purposefulness, service to people.
Some city both regional straight lines a tele- and radio airs with the musician helped him to

Слайд 22Thanks for your attention! See you soon!

Thanks for your attention! See you soon!

Слайд 23Literature:
Web- sites:

Literature:Web- sites:http://www.yandex.ru/http://www.image.yandex.ru/http://mail.ru/http://www.xaxa.ws/


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