Разделы презентаций

My day

I usually get up at nine o’clock.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 My day.
Выполнил ученик 6 класса

Феоктистов Влад
My day. Выполнил ученик 6 класса

Слайд 2I usually get up at nine o’clock.

I usually get up at nine o’clock.

Слайд 3Then I dress, clean my teeth and wash my face

and hands.   Every morning I do my exercises.

Then I dress, clean my teeth and wash my face and hands.    Every morning I

Слайд 4At ten o’clock I have a breakfast

At ten o’clock I have a breakfast

Слайд 5I usually eat bread and butter, eggs and tea.

I usually eat bread and butter, eggs and tea.

Слайд 6Then I have free time and play computer games and

read books.

Then I have free time and play computer games and read books.

Слайд 7I do my home work and read books before school.

I do my home work and read books before school.

Слайд 8Sometimes I go to the library in the afternoon

Sometimes I go to the library in the afternoon

Слайд 10I have dinner at 12 o’clock.

I have dinner at 12 o’clock.

Слайд 11Then I dress and go to school at 2 o’clock.  

I usually come home at 8 o’clock.

Then I dress and go to school at 2 o’clock.    I usually come home at

Слайд 12I like to watch TV after school.   Sometimes I go

for a walk and play with   my friends in the

I like to watch TV after school.    Sometimes I go for a walk and play

Слайд 13Every day I help my mother about the   house.  

Every day I help my mother about the    house.  

Слайд 14I like play with my dog Dana in the evening.

I like play with my dog Dana in the evening.

Слайд 15  At 9 o’clock I have a supper.   I usually

eat soup and salad.

   At 9 o’clock I have a supper.    I usually eat soup and salad.

Слайд 16At 10 o’ clock in the morning in Monday, Wednesday,

Friday, I go to the sport training.

At 10 o’ clock in the morning in Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I go to the sport training.

Слайд 17Then I have free time.

Then I have free time.

Слайд 18Sometimes I play with my sister Dasha.

Sometimes I play with my sister Dasha.

Слайд 19I usually go to bed at 11 o’clock

I usually go to bed at 11 o’clock

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