Разделы презентаций

My family

Vlad*s grandfatherName Alexander Age 65 Vlad*s grandmother Name ValentineAge 64 Vlad*s father Name Alexander Age 31 Vlad*s mother Name Irina Age 35Vlad*s uncle Name Veniamin Age 41Vlad*s aunt Name Elena

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My family.
Выполнил ученик 6 класса

Феоктистов Влад

Feoktistov Vlad
6 «b» class

My family.Выполнил ученик 6 класса

Слайд 2Vlad*s grandfather
Name Alexander
Age 65
Vlad*s grandmother Name Valentine
Age 64

Vlad*s father Name Alexander
Age 31
Vlad*s mother Name Irina

Age 35

Vlad*s uncle Name Veniamin
Age 41

Vlad*s aunt Name Elena
Age 34

Age 11

Vlad*s sister
Name Dasha
Age 14

Vlad*s brother Name Dima
Age 1 and 6 months

Vlad*s grandfatherName Alexander Age 65 Vlad*s grandmother Name ValentineAge 64 Vlad*s father Name Alexander Age 31 Vlad*s

Слайд 3I am Vlad. I am eleven years old. I like

swim, play computer game, walk with my dog Dana. I

have big family.

I am Vlad. I am eleven years old. I like swim, play computer game, walk with my

Слайд 4My mother`s name is Irina. She is 3 thirty five.

She likes read books and rest.

My mother`s name is Irina. She is 3 thirty five. She likes read books and rest.

Слайд 5My father`s name is Alexander. He is 31 thirty one.

He likes work in the forest.

My father`s name is Alexander. He is 31 thirty one. He likes work in the forest.

Слайд 6My grandfather’s name is Alexander. He is 65 sixty five.

He likes catch fish.

My grandfather’s name is Alexander. He is 65 sixty five. He likes catch fish.

Слайд 7My grandmother`s name is Valentine. She is 64 sixty four.

She likes grow flowers.

My grandmother`s name is Valentine. She is 64 sixty four. She likes grow flowers.

Слайд 8I have uncle. His name is Veniamin. He is 41

forty one. He likes drive a car.

I have uncle. His name is Veniamin. He is 41 forty one. He likes drive a car.

Слайд 9I have aunt. Her name is Elena. She is 34

thirty four. She likes watch TV and cook the food.

I have aunt. Her name is Elena. She is 34 thirty four. She likes watch TV and

Слайд 10My sister`s name is Dasha. She is 14 fourteen. .

She likes listen to the music and dance.

My sister`s name is Dasha. She is 14 fourteen. . She likes listen to the music and

Слайд 11 My brother`s name is Dima. He is 1 one and

6 six months. He likes eat, play with toys and

My brother`s name is Dima. He is 1 one and 6 six months. He likes eat,

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