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My visit to Brighton and Oxford 6 класс

Brighton is a seaside resort in the East of EnglandThe ancient settlement of the city was documented in 1086.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1My visit to Brighton and Oxford

English teacher
Elena Lesakova

School 180 St-Petersburg

My visit to Brighton and Oxford  English teacherElena Lesakova School 180 St-Petersburg2016

Слайд 2Brighton is a seaside resort in the East of England
The ancient settlement of the

city was documented in 1086.

Brighton is a seaside resort in the East of EnglandThe ancient settlement of the city was documented in 1086.

Слайд 3 streets of Brighton

streets of Brighton

Слайд 4

A busy street…

of English

Слайд 6 Brighton beach

Brighton beach

Слайд 8English


Слайд 10Holidaymakers at brighton pier

Holidaymakers at brighton pier

Слайд 11The Royal Pavilion is a former royal palace built as a home

for the Prince Regent during the early 19th century

The Royal Pavilion is a former royal palace built as a home for the Prince Regent during the early

Слайд 13

Art museum

Monument to Queen Victoria

Слайд 16Oxford university (1096)

Oxford university (1096)

Слайд 18 Lavender everywhere…it smells beautiful!

Lavender everywhere…it smells beautiful!

Слайд 19Streets of oxford

Streets of oxford

Слайд 20Street musicians

Street musicians

Слайд 21Hop on-hop off

Hop on-hop off

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