Разделы презентаций

Our Future Profession 9 класс

If you are ready for the lessonLet’s start …

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Учитель английского языка

МБОУ «Новотроицкая СОШ»,
Альметьевский район Республики

Масифулина Андриана Андреевна

Our Future Profession

Учитель английского языка

Слайд 2If you are ready for the lesson
Let’s start …

If you are ready  for the lessonLet’s start …

Слайд 3I learn English because …
English and our future profession

I learn English because …English and our future profession

Слайд 4Choosing a career we choose our life

Choosing a career  we choose our life

Слайд 5How can one advice another
another how to act unless

he knows that other as well as he knows himself?

How can one advice another another how to act unless he knows that other as well as

Слайд 6Why do you learn English?
To become educated person
To have a

good exercise the intellect
To communicate with foreigners
To visit English- speaking


To get a good, well-paid job

To broaden my horizon

To see different cultures and way of living

To have a successful career

Why do you learn English?Why?To become educated personTo have a good exercise the intellectTo communicate with foreignersTo

Слайд 7Match the phrases to explain who does what
A pilot
A hairdresser

A journalist

A nurse
An actor

A mechanic

A shop assistant
A baker

a) bakes different kind of bread
b) looks after sick people in the hospital
c) takes part in different theatrical performances
d) sells different things
e) is a specially trained person who operates an aircraft
f) cuts people's hair and makes their haircut look stylish and elegant
g) fixes cars, motorcycles, and motorboats and knows engines very well
h) writes articles and reports for newspapers and magazines

Match the phrases to explain who does whatA pilotA hairdresser

Слайд 8Match the phrases to explain who does what
A pilot

A hairdresser

A journalist

A nurse
An actor

A mechanic
A shop assistant
A baker

e) is a specially trained person who operates an aircraft
f) cuts people's hair and makes their haircut look stylish and elegant
h) writes articles and reports for newspapers and magazines
b) looks after sick people in the hospital
c) takes part in different theatrical performances
g) fixes cars, motorcycles, and motorboats and knows engines very well
d) sells different things
a) bakes different kind of bread

Match the phrases to explain who does whatA pilotA hairdresser

Слайд 9Your advertisement- projects

Your advertisement-  projects

Слайд 10The 1st group
Tourist agency
“ Dream”

The 1st groupTourist agency  “ Dream”

Слайд 11The 1st group
Private school
“Foreign language First”

The 1st group   Private school “Foreign language First”

Слайд 12The 3d group
Clothes shop
“Free Style”

The 3d groupClothes shop “Free Style”

Слайд 13Make up a dialogue

Make up a dialogue

Слайд 14Communicative task
Ask your classmates what they would like to do

after school and why they want to do it.

Communicative taskAsk your classmates what they would like to do after school and why they want to

Слайд 15Use
To earn money
To see the world and meet people

save up some money for studying
To get some independence
To start

my career

To get university diploma and find a well- paid job

Use To earn moneyTo see the world and meet peopleTo save up some money for studyingTo get

Слайд 16Home task
The 1st variant
Ex.21,p.161 (the 1st text)
Ex.9,p.69 (WB)
The 2nd

Ex.21,p.161 (the 2nd text)
Ex.9,p.69 (WB)

Home taskThe 1st variant Ex.21,p.161 (the 1st text)Ex.9,p.69 (WB)The 2nd variant Ex.21,p.161 (the 2nd text)Ex.9,p.69 (WB)

Слайд 17Thank you for the lesson.

See you later

Thank you for the lesson.See you later

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