Разделы презентаций

Past, Present, Future

Определите время в предложении.1. I go to bed at ten every day.2. I didn’t go to the country last summer.3. Will you watch TV tomorrow?4. She goes to school every day.5.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Past, Present, Future.
5 класс (УМК Биболетовой)
Жидкова Екатерина Вадимовна
МОУ лицей

№ 39,
город Нижний Тагил

Past, Present, Future.5 класс (УМК Биболетовой) Жидкова Екатерина ВадимовнаМОУ лицей № 39, город Нижний Тагил2010

Слайд 3Определите время в предложении.
1. I go to bed at ten

every day.
2. I didn’t go to the country last summer.

Will you watch TV tomorrow?
4. She goes to school every day.
5. Yesterday my brother saw a new car.
6. I’ll spend next summer abroad.
7. My mother cooked a tasty dinner last Sunday.
8. We usually write long letters.
Определите время в предложении.1. I go to bed at ten every day.2. I didn’t go to the

Слайд 4Откройте скобки. Поставьте глагол в нужном времени.
1. They (have) a

P.E. lesson yesterday.
2. He always (get up) at 7 o’clock.

Children usually (play) tennis on Sundays.
4. Nick (go) shopping tomorrow.
5. I often (run) in the park.
6. Boys (wash) the floor last Friday.
7. Girls (take care) of animals next summer.
Откройте скобки. Поставьте глагол в нужном времени.1. They (have) a P.E. lesson yesterday.2. He always (get up)

Слайд 5Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.
1. They had a P.E. lesson

2. He always gets up at 7 o’clock.
3. Children usually

play tennis on Sundays.
4. Nick will go shopping tomorrow.
5. She often runs in the park.
6. Boys washed the floor last Friday.
7. Girls will take care of animals next summer.
Сделайте предложения отрицательными и вопросительными.1. They had a P.E. lesson yesterday.2. He always gets up at 7

Слайд 61. I usually ... my Granny on Saturday.
a) visits; b)

visited; c) visit; d) will visit 2. There ... 30 pupils

in our class last year.
a) were; b) was; c) are; d) is
3.I can ... English very well.
a) spoke; b) speaks; c) speak; d) will speak
4. ... they go to the Zoo with us next week?
a) shall; b) will; c) do; d) did
5.1 ... to my friend's place yesterday.
a) goed; b) went; c) goes; d) will go
6. He will not... his holidays in America.
a) spent; b) spended; c) spends; d) spend

7. My pencil ... on the table yesterday. My mother ... it in the box.
a) was not, put; b) are not, put; c) were not, put; d) was not, puts
8. Do you like ... to school? Yes, I ... . a) to go, did; b) go, do; c) to go, do; d) to go, don't
9. We learn how to use computers at... lessons.
a) I. Т.; b) Literature; c) Drama; d) Maths
10. She wanted to ... us about her brother.
a) say; b) tell; c) speak; d) show

1. I usually ... my Granny on Saturday.	a) visits; b) visited; c) visit; d) will visit	 2.

Слайд 7Исправьте ошибки, где они есть.
1. He will spend last summer

in the country.
2. You goes to school every day.
3. Children

cooked nice dinner tomorrow.
4. Last Sunday we goes to the park.
5. I writed a letter to my friend yesterday.
6. Nick don’t like to play the piano.
7. He won’t play chess tomorrow.
Исправьте ошибки, где они есть.1. He will spend last summer in the country.2. You goes to school


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