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Подготовка учащихся к ЕГЭ: обучение написанию личного письма

43 Hill RoadNewcastleNE 3889 UUKMarch 31, 2011 Dear Ann,I have great news! I’m going to spend last month of my holidays on my grandparents’ farm. I am really excited. We will swim

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 МАСТЕР-КЛАСС по английскому языку Подготовка учащихся к ЕГЭ: обучение написанию личного письма

учитель английского языка
МОУ Быковская СОШ

МАСТЕР-КЛАСС по английскому языку  Подготовка учащихся к ЕГЭ:  обучение написанию личного письмаПодготовила: Р.М.Мухтарова,учитель английского

Слайд 343 Hill Road
NE 3889 U

March 31, 2011
Dear Ann,
I have great

news! I’m going to spend last month of my holidays

on my grandparents’ farm. I am really excited. We will swim in the river and go fishing.
Write soon. Let me know how your French is going. See you in August!
Best wishes,






43 Hill RoadNewcastleNE 3889 UUKMarch 31, 2011 Dear Ann,I have great news! I’m going to spend last month

Слайд 4I must finish my letter because I've got loads of

work. By the way, my sister Vika is coming soon.

I'm sorry to hear you've had an argument with your neighbor and that you're not speaking at the moment. Yes, it has happened to me too, and it's awful, isn't it?

C. Yours,

D. Dear Ruslana,

E. Write back soon!

F. Thanks for your letter. It was so interesting to read about your children, especially about the youngest one.

G. I think you need to ask yourself one question: what's more important - that argument or your relationship? I remember when I asked myself that it all became clear. I realized my friendship with Chris was far more important. I called him immediately and told him. We became friends again immediately. Maybe you should do the same thing. Let me know what happens! Good luck!

H. 23 Portland Street

10th May, 2011

I must finish my letter because I've got loads of work. By the way, my sister Vika

Слайд 5ЕГЭ: выполнение задания С1

ЕГЭ: выполнение задания С1

Слайд 6объем – 100-140 слов
время – 20 мин.
максимальный балл – 6

личного характера

объем – 100-140 словвремя – 20 мин.максимальный балл – 6Письмо личного характера

Слайд 7дать развернутое сообщение;
запросить информацию;
использовать неофициальный стиль;
соблюдать формат

дать развернутое сообщение;запросить информацию;использовать неофициальный стиль;соблюдать форматУмения

Слайд 8You have 20 minutes to do this task.

This is part of a letter from your English pen


…Do you often have arguments with your parents? I do. My mother thinks that I spend too much time watching TV. Do you often watch TV?
What programmes do you like best and why? And what do you do when you disagree with your parents about the programmes to watch?
Write back soon.

Write back to Ann answering her questions.
Write 100-140 words.
Remember the rules of letter writing.
You have 20 minutes to do this task.   This is part of a letter from

Слайд 9flat number
house street
city (town, village)

city (town, village)

date/month/year (BE)
month/date/year (AE)

Dear Sally,


ссылка на
предыдущий контакт;
извинение, что
не ответил раньше

основная часть
ответы на вопросы

запрос информации
постановка вопросов
в соответствии с

о дальнейших

завершающая фраза

подпись автора
(имя на отдел. строке)

flat numberhouse streetcity (town, village)countryindexЛУЧШЕcity (town, village)countrydate/month/year (BE)month/date/year (AE)Dear Sally,Dear Sally,ссылка на предыдущий контакт;извинение, чтоне ответил раньшеосновная

Слайд 10Flat 21
15 Gorky Street

Moscow, Russia
12th January
(June, 8
Dear Sally,
Thank you for

your recent letter. (It was great to hear from you

after such a long time.)

I’m sorry for not replying to you sooner but I’ve been extremely busy.

Your answers

Your questions

That’s all my news for now. Write back soon.

Yours, (Love, Best wishes, …)



Flat 2115 Gorky StreetMoscowRussiaMoscow, Russia12th January(June, 808.06.2009)Dear Sally,Thank you for your recent letter. (It was great to

Слайд 11содержание (3 балла)
организация текста (3 балла)
«Содержание» 0 баллов – все

задание 0.

Отклонение в объеме +/- 10%: от 90 до 154

менее 90 слов – не подлежит проверке!
более 154 слов – проверка только 140 слов!

Критерии оценивания С1

содержание (3 балла)организация текста (3 балла)«Содержание» 0 баллов – все задание 0.Отклонение в объеме +/- 10%: от

Слайд 12Нет адреса или даты , неправильное их расположение
Обращение. Единственный вариант

Dear (ИМЯ)
Нет благодарности за письмо или оно неверно сформулировано.
Нарушены правила

Нет логической связи
Нет предпрощальной фразы
Неправильная прощальная фраза и подпись
При делении на абзацы нужно либо делать красную строку, либо делать заметный пропуск между абзацами
Не соблюден объем письма

Типичные ошибки

Нет адреса или даты , неправильное их расположениеОбращение. Единственный вариант Dear (ИМЯ)Нет благодарности за письмо или оно

Слайд 13St Petersburg, Russia
June 8-th, Monday
Dear Tom,

I’m very glad to get a

letter from you! How are you getting on? How is

your brother John?
You are asking me about my new classmate Mary . I’ll do my best to answer your questions. She is a very nice girl. She likes horse-riding and basketball. I hope we’ll become great friends.
By the way, what exams have you got this year? Do you have extra classes? What are you going to do on summer holidays? I must finish my letter because I have to do my homework.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best wishes,

St Petersburg, Russia June 8-th, MondayDear Tom,I’m very glad to get a letter from you! How are

Слайд 1423 Portland Street

10th May, 2011
Dear Ruslana,

Thanks for your letter.

It was so interesting to read about your children, especially

about the youngest one.

May 11th, 2011

Dear Lena,

Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you.

23 Portland Street	Manchester	MN3 6YL	10th May, 2011Dear Ruslana,Thanks for your letter. It was so interesting to read about

Слайд 15I'm sorry to hear you've had an argument with your

neighbor and that you're not speaking at the moment. Yes,

it has happened to me too, and it's awful, isn't it?
I think you need to ask yourself one question: what's more important - that argument or your relationship? I remember when I asked myself that it all became clear. I realized my friendship with Chris was far more important. I called him immediately and told him. We became friends again immediately. Maybe you should do the same thing. Let me know what happens! Good luck!

You are asking me about the argument with my neighbor. I have thought about the problem a lot. You were right our relationship is much more important than that argument about my neighbor’s dog. Liza is a very nice girl. She always helps me when I’m in need. Sometimes she looks after my children. I try to help her as well. So I am going to call Liza and invite her for a cup of tea.

I'm sorry to hear you've had an argument with your neighbor and that you're not speaking at

Слайд 16

I must finish my letter because I've got loads of

work. By the way, my sister Vika is coming soon.

back soon!

By the way, I would like to ask you some questions about your sister’s visit. When is she coming? Is she on her holidays? Will she come alone or with her husband?

Hope to hear from you soon.

I must finish my letter because I've got loads of work. By the way, my sister Vika

Слайд 17www.ege.edu.ru


Слайд 18Благодарю за участие!

Благодарю за участие!

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