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Практическое занятие по подготовке к ЕГЭ и ГИА "How to be prepared for examinations"

Practical recommendations on the preparations for the JEG on English

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Слайд 1How to be prepared for examinations
Практическое занятие по подготовке к


Учитель английского языка
1-ой категории
Лютикова А.А.

How to be prepared for examinationsПрактическое занятие по подготовке к ЕГЭ и ГИА

Слайд 2Practical recommendations on the preparations for the JEG on English

Practical recommendations on the preparations for the JEG on English

Слайд 3
JEG (GIA) English is one of a group of

exams in foreign language in grade 9.
The exam is conducted

in two phases: a writing section (listening, reading, gramma, a letter : personal reply email ) and oral part.
JEG (GIA) English is one of a group of exams in foreign language in grade 9.

Слайд 4When you are on exam:
1)workshop with students to fill 2

2) Primary testing
3) quests on the theme in accordance with

the contents. On materials of a site the FIPI.
When you are on exam: 1)workshop with students to fill 2 forms2) Primary testing3) quests on the

Слайд 54) Perform tasks in your personal book
5 testing on

your computer
6) analysis of the results of JEG

4) Perform tasks in your personal book 5 testing on your computer 6) analysis of the results


Максимальное количество баллов, которое может получить

экзаменуемый за выполнение всей экзаменационной работы, – 70 баллов.

пересчета первичного балла за выполнение экзаменационной работы в отметку по пятибалльной шкале

ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК	(АНГЛИЙСКИЙ, НЕМЕЦКИЙ, ФРАНЦУЗСКИЙ, ИСПАНСКИЙ)	Максимальное количество баллов, которое может 	получить экзаменуемый за выполнение всей 	экзаменационной работы, –

after school activities
tests, exams
sports facilities
Topics for exam :

SCHOOLtimetableteachersmates\friendssubjectslikes\dislikesafter school activitiestests, examssports facilitiesTopics for exam :

Слайд 8Gramma tences:

Present Perfect
важен результат
V3 \Ved
Глагол – помощник
Сигнальные слова:
this week…

Gramma tences:	Present PerfectУпотребление:важен результатСказуемое:V3 \VedГлагол – помощникhave\hasСигнальные слова:justalreadynot…yetrecentlytodaythis week…

Слайд 9Вариант монологического высказывания по теме School
Task 3. You are going

to give a talk about your school. You will have

to start in 1.5 minutes and will speak for not more than 2 minutes.
Remember to say:
· what you like most about your school;
· what weekday you find the most difficult, and why;
· what you would like to change in your school life.

Вариант монологического высказывания по теме SchoolTask 3. You are going to give a talk about your school.

Слайд 10 School


have to talk continuously.
Now I am going to give a

talk about my school.
I’m finishing the 9th form and I’m going to continue my studying in the 10th form because I like my school. Most of all I love my school friends and teachers. I also appreciate that my teachers are ready to help me with advice and they are very skillful. I am happy to meet my friends at school. We have lots in common and spend almost the whole day together.
We are very busy at school. As for me I find Monday the most difficult weekday because it’s the first day after a weekend and we have 7 lessons. Two of them are Physics. It isn’t my favorite subject. I can’t understand it. And after school I have an extra Russian lesson because we prepare for our final exam. I’m very tired on Monday.
Personally I would like to change a timetable because we have to do much homework every day. Most of my classmates have after school activities and very little time for relax.
In the end I’d like to say that despite of being very busy I love my school and I’m happy in it.

SchoolYou have to talk continuously.Now I am going

Слайд 11How to prepare for exam:
Pay special attention to the work

on the grammatical material from the very beginning of learning

a foreign language, systematic study and exam format assignments contribute to successful delivery.

How to prepare for exam:Pay special attention to the work on the grammatical material from the very

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