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Праздники Великобритании

Holidays in Great Britain

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Слайд 2 Holidays in Great Britain

Holidays in Great Britain

Слайд 7

Mother's Day in UK
Mothers Day in

UK is celebrated with great excitement and verve but it does not fall on the same date as in US. In UK, Mother's Day celebrations takes place on the fourth Sunday in the month of Lent. Since the Lent days are not fixed, the date for mothers Day changes every year

Mother's Day in

Слайд 8 At that time it was considered important

by the people that these children, staying away from their

families be allowed to visit their homes once in a year. The time decided for the annual visit to home was middle Sunday of the fasting period of Lent (which lasts from Ash Wednesday to Easter). For this reason, the day was called 'Refreshment Sunday' or 'Mid-Lent Sunday'.
In England the day dedicated for mothers was more commonly called Mothering Sunday as people, mainly children visited their 'Mother Church' or the church of their home and not the 'Daughter Church', the closest church in the vicinity.
After paying a visit to church, children met their mothers and presented them flowers, which they gathered from bushes along the way. Girls baked special cakes called 'Simnel Cakes' for their mothers.

History of Mother's Day in England
The tradition of celebrating Mothers Day began much earlier in England than it started in USA. In fact England was the first country in the world to dedicate a day for mothers as early as 1600s. They called this day for mothers as 'Mothering Sunday'. The festival has its roots in the practice wherein poor people in England send their little children to work as domestic servants or apprentice with the rich.

At that time it was considered important by the people that these children, staying

Слайд 9

Mother's Day Celebration in England
Mothers Day is celebrated in a big way in England. Children pay tribute to their mothers and thank them for all their love and support. An atmosphere of excitement prevail on the day and marketers make all efforts to make big profits out of the euphoria. Flowers record their maximum sale as people in England love to express their gratitude for their mothers by gifting them flowers more than anything else

The tradition of Mothering Sunday stopped with the advent of Industrial Revolution in England when the working conditions and life pattern changed. Over the period of time one Sunday - 4th Sunday in Lent (3 weeks before Easter) was reserved in the honor of mothers. In the present time, original meaning of Mothering Sunday has been lost and has taken the form and name of Mothers Day in US.

Слайд 10 Mother's Day Celebrations

Mothers Day is celebrated with lot of enthusiasm in

over 46 countries across the globe. Though Mothers Day celebrations take place at different times around the world what is remarkably same are the feelings with which people celebrate Mothers Day. This is so because mothers are as caring in East as they are in the West. The difference between mothers from one part of the world to the other simply does not exist and so are the feelings of children. All over the world people love to celebrate Mothers Day with their mothers and shower love on them.

Mother's Day Celebrations  Mothers Day is celebrated with lot

Слайд 11


is Mothers Day Celebrated ?

In many countries special prayer services are held in churches in honor of mothers. But the most common method of celebrating Mothers Day is to treat mothers with breakfast in bed. Children allow their mothers to sleep till late in the morning while they along with their father juggle in the kitchen to prepare her favourite breakfast. Most often a Mothers Day card and a bunch of bouquet accompany the meticulously laid breakfast. Many children prepare a card themselves a day before Mothers Day. Some also make handmade gifts to show their respect and affection for their mother. Grown up children prefer to buy gifts from the stores ranging from clothes, accessories to jewelry.

Слайд 12Cakes, cookies and pies are the favourite dishes prepared on

the occasion of Mothers Day. Some consider having dinner at

home with the family as an ideal way of celebrating Mothers Day, many on the other hand prefer to dine out. Hence, restaurants are seeing more business then ever on the occasion of Mothers Day.
Since Mothers Day is observed as a holiday in lot of countries many like to take the opportunity to go out for family picnics and have fun. In several schools, celebrations of Mothers Day are organised wherein children present skits, songs and plays to honor mothers.
Cakes, cookies and pies are the favourite dishes prepared on the occasion of Mothers Day. Some consider

Слайд 13

What can children do on Mothers Day

There are a lot of games and activities which may be planned on Mothers Day. But besides the euphoria of celebration people must not forget that the day is meant to make mothers feel special. On Mothers Day, children must be nice to their mom and give them a days rest. Its a wonderful idea to complete household chores on the day and make your mama feel that you acknowledge the importance of all she does to run the house so smoothly. Elder children may book a parlor or a spa treatment for mothers and make them care for themselves as most mothers find it difficult to get time for themselves.

What can children do

Слайд 14 Time for

Family Reunion
People staying away from the families make

efforts to spend the day with mothers and grandmothers to make them feel special. This way Mothers Day has turned out to be family reunion day for many. While those who cannot visit their moms call their mother on phone and send greeting cards to express their gratitude and love for them.

Time for Family Reunion  People staying away from

Слайд 15
Commercialisation of Mothers

The festival of Mothers Day is based on the emotions shared between mother and a child and marketers make all efforts to convert the sentiments into profit. Rigorous advertising campaigns are launched days before the festival to lure people so that they spend more money on the day. Though this helps to promote Mothers Day and raise awareness about it, but somewhere along the line the noble ideas behind the celebration of Mothers Day get lost and what remains is the formality to exchange gifts. Founder of Mothers Day, Anna Jarvis was particularly annoyed with the high level of commercialisation of Mothers Day in US.

Commercialisation of Mothers

Слайд 28 ...and we make a present 2 tickets in Great


(...и мы дарим 2 билета в Великобританию )
...and we make a present 2 tickets in Great Britain

Слайд 29 THANK YOU

(Спасибо за внимание!!!)

THANK YOU      FOR ATTENTION !!!   (Спасибо за внимание!!!)

Слайд 30Good-bye !!!

Good-bye !!!

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