Разделы презентаций

Present Simple Negative

The present simple negative is don’t / doesn’t + verb

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Present Simple Negative

Present Simple Negative

Слайд 2The present simple negative is
don’t / doesn’t + verb

The present simple negative is don’t / doesn’t + verb

Слайд 4I drink coffee but I don’t drink tea
Sue drinks tea

but she doesn’t drink coffee.
You don’t work very hard.
We don’t

watch television very often.
The weather is usually nice. It doesn’t rain very often.
Gerry and Linda don’t know many people.
I drink coffee but I don’t drink teaSue drinks tea but she doesn’t drink coffee.You don’t work

Слайд 5Remember:
I / we / you / they don’t

I don’t like tennis.
He / she /

it doesn’t He doesn’t like it.

I don’t like Fred and Fred doesn’t like me. (not ‘Fred don’t like’)
My car doesn’t use much petrol. (not ‘My car don’t use)
Sometimes he is late but it doesn’t happen very often.

Remember:I / we / you / they  don’t     I don’t like tennis.He

Слайд 6We use don’t / doesn’t + infinitive (don’t like /

doesn’t speak / doesn’t do etc.):
I don’t like washing the

car. I don’t do it very often.
Sandra speaks Spanish but she doesn’t speak Italian. (not ‘doesn’t speaks)
Bill doesn't do his job very well. (not ‘Bill doesn’t his job)
Paula doesn’t usually have breakfast. (not ‘doesn’t ... has’)
We use don’t / doesn’t + infinitive (don’t like / doesn’t speak / doesn’t do etc.):I don’t

Слайд 7Make the sentences negative.
I play the piano very well.
Jane plays

the piano very well.
They know my phone number.
We work very

He has a bath every day.
You do the same thing every day.
Make the sentences negative.I play the piano very well.Jane plays the piano very well.They know my phone

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