Разделы презентаций

Presentation `Talking of time`

Organization moment1.Greeting 2.Marking absentees 3.Checking homework 4. New theme

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Talking of time Мұғалім: ПаВиз Х Сынып : 6А

Talking of time Мұғалім: ПаВиз Х Сынып : 6А

Слайд 2Organization moment
1.Greeting 2.Marking absentees

3.Checking homework 4. New theme

5.Grammar material 6.Doing exercises 7.Physical training 8.Giving home task 9.Evaluation 10.Conclusion
Organization moment1.Greeting 2.Marking absentees            3.Checking homework

Слайд 3Phonetic drill Mary Midling has a pig Not very little and

not very big Not very pink and not very green Not very

dirty and not very clean
Phonetic drill   Mary Midling has a pig Not very little and not very big Not

Слайд 4New words at page 111
Drive[draiv], v - жүргізу (машинаны)

teenager [`ti:neidзә],n - жасөспірім
vote[v∂ut ], v - дауыс беру

– жүру (көлікпен)
New words at page 111Drive[draiv], v - жүргізу (машинаны) a teenager [`ti:neidзә],n - жасөспірім vote[v∂ut ], v

Слайд 5The Past Continuous Tense
Was/were+ verbs+ ing
Өткен шақтағы белгілі бір уақытта

басталып, сол туралы айтқан кезде әлі де жалғасып жатқан оқиғаны

білдіреді. Оқиға болған кезді айтқанда:
А) at 5 o`clock, at 7 o`clock, at that moment деген сияқты оқиға уақыты айтылады
Б) Past Simple (өткен шақ) етістік түріндегі басқа да іс-әрекеттер айтылады:
My friend was writing a letter when I came into the room
Compare (Салыстырыңдар)

The Past Continuous TenseWas/were+ verbs+ ingӨткен шақтағы белгілі бір уақытта басталып, сол туралы айтқан кезде әлі де

Слайд 7Comprehension check – Work with blackboard
Exercise 1. At page 216.

Complete the sentences
My friend (talk) on the phone when I

came into the room.
What (you/do) at 4 o`clock yesterday afternoon?
I (speak/ English) when my teacher came into.
Omar (read) a book when Colin phoned him.
Dmitry (write) a letter when I walked into the room.

Comprehension check – Work with blackboardExercise 1. At page 216. Complete the sentencesMy friend (talk) on the

Слайд 8Exercise 3 .At page 217. complete the sentences. Choose the

right form

Colin (swam/ was swimming) in the pool at 3

o`clock yesterday afternoon.
My partner (listened/ were listening) to the radio when I came into the kitchen.
My sister/brother ( was watching/watched) TV when I phoned you.
It (raining/ rained) when I left the cinema.
I (painted/was painting) a picture at 10 o`clock in the morning.

Exercise 3 .At page 217. complete the sentences. Choose the right formColin (swam/ was swimming) in the

Слайд 10Oral exercises
Exercise 2. Read and translate p109
Exercise 3 Read and

match the sentences and pictures

Oral exercisesExercise 2. Read and translate p109Exercise 3 Read and match the sentences and pictures

Слайд 11Homework: Make up 10 sentences in Past continuous tense, Vocabulary

Good job, Wonderful!
Conclusion: I`m very satisfied with your work today,

thank you! The lesson is over bye!

Homework: Make up 10 sentences in Past continuous tense, VocabularyEvaluation: Good job, Wonderful!Conclusion: I`m very satisfied with

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