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Презентация “Come back, Amelia Bedelia” 5 класс

Unscramble the lettersm,a,l,i,e,a, e,d,l,i,b,e,a

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Come back, Amelia Bedelia
Методическая разработка урока
английского языка

back, Amelia Bedelia”
Form 5
УМК “Enjoy English” М.З. Биболетова, Н.Н.

Автор: Аристова Ольга Алексеевна Учитель иностранного языка
Come back, Amelia BedeliaМетодическая разработка урока английского языка “Come back, Amelia Bedelia”Form 5 УМК “Enjoy English” М.З.

Слайд 2Unscramble the letters

Unscramble the lettersm,a,l,i,e,a, e,d,l,i,b,e,a

Слайд 3Come Back, Amelia Bedelia.

Come Back, Amelia Bedelia.

Слайд 4 Plan of the lesson:

discussing the stories about Amelia Bedelia;
role playing

the stories about Amelia Bedelia;
reviewing Past Simple

Plan of the lesson: discussing the stories about Amelia Bedelia;role playing the stories about Amelia Bedelia;reviewing

Слайд 5Let’s train our tongues
[ɪə] –cereal, here, near
[i:]-cream, dream,

[ʌ]-puff, cut, nut
[ɛə]- hair, where, there
['ju:]-beauty, computer, music
[ə:]-purse, turn,

[ð]-with, then, them
[ɔ:]-pour, more, score

Let’s train our tongues [ɪə] –cereal, here, near [i:]-cream, dream, [ʌ]-puff, cut, nut[ɛə]- hair, where, there['ju:]-beauty, computer,

Слайд 6Make a compliment

Make a compliment

Слайд 7Для чего нужна 2я форма глагола?

Для чего нужна 2я форма глагола?

Слайд 8Past Simple
- события;
единичные факты;
последовательные действия, происшедшие

year, last Tuesday

Past Simple  описывает:- события; единичные факты;последовательные действия, происшедшие yesterday last year, last Tuesday

Слайд 9Find the pairs

Find the pairs

Слайд 10Who said it?
Oh, my cream puffs!
I will have some cereal

with coffee.
That is just what I mean.
What is that mess?

your cereal with coffee.
I came to help you.
Can you fix hair?
You can start now.
Who said it?Oh, my cream puffs!I will have some cereal with coffee.That is just what I mean.What

Слайд 11Who did it?
…..had much to do that morning.
…..took the cream

puffs out of the stove.
…..wanted some cereal with coffee that

……went into the beauty shop.
…..poured some coffee into the cereal.
…..wanted Amelia to be fired.
…..carried some pins in the purse.
…..didn’t know how to pin up hair.

Who did it?…..had much to do that morning.…..took the cream puffs out of the stove.…..wanted some cereal

Слайд 12Do you like puzzles? Make up sentences.
morning, That, I, had,

work, much, to do.
cooked, puffs, cream, I, tea, for.
Mrs. Rogers,

some cereal, for, breakfast, wanted
took, into, it, I, the, dining room.
didn’t, She, like, it.
told, Amelia to, away, go, She.
No, I, now, have work.

Do you like puzzles? Make up sentences. morning, That, I, had, work, much, to do.cooked, puffs, cream,

Слайд 13Act out the scene “At Mrs.Roger’s House”

Act out the scene  “At Mrs.Roger’s House”

Слайд 14Act out the scene “At the Hairdresser’s”

Act out the scene  “At the Hairdresser’s”

Слайд 15Complete Amelia’s letter
I (go) into the beauty shop.
I (open) my

purse and (take)out some pins .
Then I (start) pinning up

Mrs.Hewes’ hair.
The beauty shop lady (come).
She (get) very angry.
She (tell) me to go away.
And I just (do) what she told me to do.

Complete Amelia’s letterI (go) into the beauty shop.I (open) my purse and (take)out some pins .Then I

Слайд 16Fill in the letters
s - - d –
f - -

-i g –n
l - - r –
l - - -

- a g –
s - - - d
s - - - - - t
a - - - a –
t - - l
s - - - k
s - -

Fill in the letterss - - d –f - - -i g –nl - - r –l

Слайд 17Key

Keystudyforeignlearnlanguagespendsubjectabroadtellspeak say

Слайд 18Answer the questions
Did you like the lesson?
What stage of the

lesson did you like most of all?
Did you do well

at the lesson?
Answer the questionsDid you like the lesson?What stage of the lesson did you like most of all?Did

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