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Презентация для открытого урока "Роберт Бернс"

The monument to Alexander Pushkin 1799 - 1836

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Слайд 1Robert Burns
258-st Anniversary

Robert Burns258-st Anniversary1759-1796

Слайд 2The monument
to Alexander Pushkin
1799 - 1836

The monument to Alexander Pushkin 1799 - 1836

Слайд 3Виды Шотландии

Виды Шотландии

Слайд 4My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here

My heart’s in the Highlands a chasing the deer;

Chasing the wild deer, and following the roe;
My heart’s in the Highlands, wherever I go. –

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North;
The birth-place of Velour, the country of Worth:
Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.-…

My Heart’s In the Highland

My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here My heart’s in the Highlands a chasing

Слайд 5Burns’ Night

The annual celebratory tribute to the life, works

and the spirit of the great Scottish poet, Robert Burns

celebrated on, or about, the Bard's birthday, January 25th, has the form of a supper called Burns Supper at which

traditional Scottish dishes are
eating and during which a Scottish piper
plays, wearing the national costume-kilt.
Some of Burns’ most popular poems are
recited and there may be Scottish dancing
after the meal is finished.

Burns’ Night The annual celebratory tribute to the life, works and the spirit of the great Scottish

Слайд 6A traditional costume and a bagpipe

A traditional costume and a bagpipe

Слайд 7Haggis

A traditional Scottish dish haggis is made of sheep’s stomach

stuffed with the lungs, the heart and various other parts

of the insides of the sheep minced and mixed up with oatmeal and boiled. Haggis is eaten with mashed potatoes or turnips boiled until they are soft and mashed up into a puree. At a proper Burns Supper a piper in full dress accompanies the haggis to the dining table.

Address to a Haggis

Fair fa'Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o' the pudding-race! Aboon them a' yet tak your place, Painch, tripe, or thairm: WeelWeel are ye wordy o'a grace As lang's my arm.

В тебе я славлю командира
Всех пудингов горячих мира, -
Могучий Хагис, полный жира и требухи
Строчу, пока мне служит лира,
Тебе стихи

HaggisA traditional Scottish dish haggis is made of sheep’s stomach stuffed with the lungs, the heart and

Слайд 8There Was a Lad…
Robert Burns was

born in 1759, on the 25th of January. He

was born in Alloway, in Aurshire, Scotland.

There was a lad was born in Kyle, But what na day o’ what na style, I doubt it’s hardly worth the while. To be sae nice wi’ Robin.
: The Gossip keekit in his loof, Qou’ scho wha lives will see the proof, This waly boy will be nae coof, I think we’ll ca’ him Robin. He’ll hae misfortunes great and sma’, But ay a heart aboon them a’ He’ll be a credit till us a’, We’ll a’ be proud o’ Robin

There Was a Lad…    Robert Burns was born in 1759, on the 25th

Слайд 9Robert’s Father William Burns

Robert’s Father  William Burns

Слайд 10The Clay Cottage Where Robert Was Born

The Clay Cottage Where Robert Was Born

Слайд 11Robert’s Father William Burns

Robert’s Father  William Burns

Слайд 12Jean Armour

Jean Armour

Слайд 13Jean Armour
Burns would easily fall in love and had many

love affairs. But his life-long love was Jean Armour. In

1784, at a dance party, Robert Burns met the “beauty of the village” – Jean Armour, the daughter of a rich master-mason. It was “love at first sight”.

Of a’ the airts the wind can blaw I dearly like the west,
For here the bonie lassie lives, The lassie I lo’e best. There wild woods grow, and rivers row, And monie a hill between, But day and night my fancy’s flight Is ever wi’ my Jean.
“Of a’the Airts the Wind Can Blaw”(1788)

Jean ArmourBurns would easily fall in love and had many love affairs. But his life-long love was

Слайд 14Edinburgh


Слайд 15Robert’s First Book

Robert was twenty seven when his first book – “Poems

Chiefly in Scottish Dialect” – was published in 1786. And it was a great success. The publication changed the course of Burn’s life. Robert was so encouraged by the success that he decided to go to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. There he was introduced to many famous people. All were impressed by his modesty, his witty conversation and excellent manners. In April 1787 the second edition of Burn’s poems appeared. It brought him money and gave him opportunity to see more of his native land. He made several trips around the country and saw beautiful landscapes and lochs of the Highlands.
Robert’s First Book        Robert was twenty seven when his first

Слайд 16Dumphrys


Слайд 17Monuments to Robert Burns

Monuments to Robert Burns

Слайд 18 For The Sake O' Somebody (1794)
Моей душе покоя нет.

день я жду кого-то.
Без сна встречаю я

рассвет -
И все из-за кого-то. 
Со мною нет кого-то.
Ах, где найти кого-то!
Могу весь мир я обойти,
Чтобы найти кого-то. 
О вы, хранящие любовь
Неведомые силы,
Пусть невредим вернется вновь
Ко мне мой кто-то милый. 
Но нет со мной кого-то.
Мне грустно отчего-то.
Клянусь, я все бы отдала
На свете для кого-то!

My heart is hard-I dare not tell,
My heart is hard for Somebody; I could wake a winter night For the sake o' Somebody. O-hon! for Somebody! O-hey! for Somebody! I could range the world around, For the sake o' Somebody.
Ye Powers that smile on virtuous love, O, sweetly smile on Somebody! From ilka danger keep him free, And send me safe my Somebody! O-hon! for Somebody! O-hey! for Somebody! I would do-what would I not? For the sake o' Somebody.

For The Sake O' Somebody  (1794) Моей душе покоя нет.Весь день я жду кого-то.

Слайд 19Robert Burns
258-st Anniversary

Robert Burns258-st Anniversary1759-1796

Слайд 20Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne

Слайд 21Burns Night Quiz
1. Who is Robert Burns?
a) He is a

famous poet.
b) He is a famous dancer.

2. Is Burns Night

an English or Scottish festival?
a) English.
b) Scottish.

3. Burns Night is the birthday of Robert Burns. When was he born?
a) 25 January 1759.
b) 25 August 1959.

4. When do people celebrate Burns Night?
a) In the morning.
b) In the evening.

Burns Night Quiz1. Who is Robert Burns?a) He is a famous poet.b) He is a famous dancer.2.

Слайд 22

5. What do men wear on Burns Night?

a) A kilt.
b) big hat.

6. Which musical instrument do people play on Burns Night?
a) The bagpipes.
b) The flute.

7. What do people eat with haggis?
a) Peas and carrots.
b) Potatoes and turnips.

8. On Burns Night people eat haggis. What is haggis?
a) A pie made of salmon and eggs.
b) A pudding made of meat, oats and spices.
5. What do men wear

Слайд 23 Век живи, век учись.
Лошадь впереди телеги не ставят.

рубль бережёт
Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить.
Повинную голову

меч не сечёт.

They that dance must pay the fiddler.
Never let your feet run faster than your shoes.
Learn young, learn fair; learn old, learn more.
Confessed faults are half mended.
Money is flat and was meant to be piled up.



Век живи, век учись. Лошадь впереди телеги не ставят.Копейка рубль бережётЛюбишь кататься, люби и саночки возить.

Слайд 24Robert Burns wrote all his poems and songs in Scottish


Me love is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung

in June;
My love is like the melodie
That’s sweetly play’d in tune.
So fair art thou, me bonnie lass,
So deep in love am I:
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a’ the seas gang dry.

girl go

melody all



you are

so beautiful you

Robert Burns wrote all his poems  and songs in Scottish dialect.Me love is like a red,

Слайд 25Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks

melt wi’ the sun:
And I will love thee still, my

While the sands o’ life shall run.

And fare thee weel, my only love,
And fare thee weel awhile!
And I will come again, my love,
Tho’ it were ten thousand mile.

for a short time





Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,And the rocks melt wi’ the sun:And I will love

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