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Презентация к 90-летию города Магнитогорска на английском языке "Virtual tour Magnitogorsk 90 years old"

Magnitogorsk is a city with an extraordinary history, interesting people, unique architecture.

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Слайд 1Virtual tour
90 years

Virtual tour Magnitogorsk 90 years

Слайд 2Magnitogorsk is a city with an extraordinary history, interesting people,

unique architecture.

Magnitogorsk is a city with an extraordinary history, interesting people, unique architecture.

Слайд 3Magnitogorsk was founded at the foot of Magnitnaya Mountain on the both

banks of the River Ural.

Magnitogorsk was founded  at the foot of Magnitnaya Mountain  on the both banks of the River Ural.

Слайд 4Magnitogorsk is one of the world's largest centers of ferrous

metallurgy and it is often called “the metallurgical heart of

Magnitogorsk is one of the world's largest centers of ferrous metallurgy and it is often called “the

Слайд 5The first train with the builders arrived at the station

“Magnitogorskaya” on June 30th, 1929. This date became the birthday

of Magnitogorsk.
The first train with the builders arrived at the station “Magnitogorskaya” on June 30th, 1929. This date

Слайд 6The memory of the heroes of Magnitogorsk is reflected in

the monuments "To The First Komsomol Magnitogorsk Builders" and "The

Tent Of The First Builders Of Magnitogorsk".
The memory of the heroes of Magnitogorsk is reflected in the monuments

Слайд 7Magnitogorsk is one of 12 cities in the world located

in 2 world parts. The boundary between Asia and Europe

goes along the river Ural. The Left bank is located in Asia and the Right bank - in Europe. History, traditions and culture of different peoples are reflected in a new brand – «Magnitogorsk - place where Europe and Asia meet».
Magnitogorsk is one of 12 cities in the world located in 2 world parts. The boundary between

Слайд 8There are over 1,300 industrial plants in Magnitogorsk: engineering, cement,

glass, food and light industries.

There are over 1,300 industrial plants in Magnitogorsk: engineering, cement, glass, food and light industries.

Слайд 9The city - forming enterprise "Magnitogorsk Integrated Iron and Steel

Works" ("MMK") is the largest steel and iron producer and

a leader of Russia's steel industry. More than half of the production of "MMK" is exported to various countries of the world.
The city - forming enterprise

Слайд 10On the railway station`s square visitors are met by a

five-meter statue of Metallurgist - a symbol of the people

of fiery profession.
On the railway station`s square visitors are met by a five-meter statue of Metallurgist - a symbol

Слайд 11On the high right bank of the Ural River there

is the main monument of Magnitogorsk - "The Rear to

the Front". A worker passes a sword to a warrior and commemorates the city's industrial contribution to the victory in World War II - a half of Soviet tanks and a third of projectiles were cast from Magnitogorsk steel.
On the high right bank of the Ural River there is the main monument of Magnitogorsk -

Слайд 12Magnitogorsk is the scientific centre of the Southern Urals.
In Magnitogorsk there are two universitie:

Magnitogorsk State
Conservatory and
 Magnitogorsk  State 

Technical University - a uniform university complex, uniting some colleges, professional schools and institutes.
Magnitogorsk is the scientific centre of the Southern Urals.In Magnitogorsk there are two universitie: Magnitogorsk State    Conservatory and  Magnitogorsk 

Слайд 13Magnitogorsk is the cultural centre of the Southern Urals.
There are  three theatres: Pushkin Drama 
Theatre , the Opera

 Ballet House and the Puppet
 Theatre “Buratino”. Children art schools, the picture gallery,

city museums are also well-known.

Magnitogorsk is the cultural centre  of the Southern Urals.There are  three theatres: Pushkin Drama Theatre , the Opera  and Ballet House and the Puppet  Theatre “Buratino”. Children art

Слайд 14Sport is very popular in Magnitogorsk.
  “Metallurg – Champion!”

is home to the hockey club “Metallurg”, which was founded in 1955

and is owned by MMK.
The world-famous hockey player Evgeni Malkin is a graduate from the hockey school "Metallurg”.
Sport is very popular in Magnitogorsk.   “Metallurg – Champion!” Magnitogorsk is home to the hockey club “Metallurg”,

Слайд 15There are a lot of interesting features that make Magnitogorsk

one of the most beautiful and unique cities in the

There are a lot of interesting features that make Magnitogorsk one of the most beautiful and unique

Слайд 16There are two mountain-skiing centers in Magnitogorsk, Bannoe and Abzakovo.

A lot of people from Russia and other countries come

here in winter. You can not only ski but also go to the zoo or just walk and rest.
There are two mountain-skiing centers in Magnitogorsk, Bannoe and Abzakovo. A lot of people from Russia and

Слайд 17Welcome to Magnitogorsk!

Welcome to Magnitogorsk!

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