Слайд 1Английский язык
6 класс
УМК Английский язык: учебник для 6 кл.
общеобразовательных учреждений/ В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа и др.
English 6
Тема «Home, sweet home»
Урок-обобщение по теме
Учитель Кравченко Валентина Ивановна
ГБОУ школа- интернат «Царев- Алексеевский кадетский корпус» Белгородской области
Слайд 2Цели:
Совершенствование речевых навыков
по теме «Дом. Квартира».
Совершенствование грамматических навыков по теме.
самостоятельности, способности
к сравнению, обобщению.
Слайд 3Задачи:
Активизация изученного лексико- грамматического материала в разных видах речевой деятельности.
уровня сформированности речевых умений.
Слайд 4Read words with sounds d, t
a computer
a desk
а wardrobe
central heating
an armchair
modern conveniences
a cooker
a mirror
a carpet
Слайд 5Read correctly and quickly
a wardrobe
a brown wardrobe
a brown wardrobe
in the room
a brown wardrobe in the bedroom
There is
a brown wardrobe in the bedroom.
There is a chair near the brown wardrobe in the bedroom.
Слайд 6Answer my questions:
1 Is your house big?
2 How many rooms
are there in it?
3 How many bedrooms are there in
the house?
4 What kind of furniture is there in your room?
5 What is there in front of the house?
6 What is there behind the house?
Слайд 7Look at the screen. There are several proverbs about home.
Let's read and translate them
East or West home is best
There is no place like home
An Englishman's home is his castle
Слайд 8Say the words in alphabetical order
Street, an armchair , a
bedroom, a computer, a kitchen, a shelf, TV set,
a sofa.
Слайд 9Say the words in alphabetical order :
an armchair (1) bedroom(2),
a computer (3), a kitchen(4), a shelf(5),
a sofa(6),
street(7), TV set (8)
Слайд 10Динамическая пауза
Учащиеся изображают с помощью мимики и жестов слова по
Window, a lamp, clock, bed, TV-set, dining room
Слайд 11Какое слово лишнее:
1 bedroom, flat, living room, bathroom, kitchen
table, bed, bookshelf, wall, chair
3 a poster, a picture, an
armchair, a carpet, a table
4 windows, doors, tables, a picture, shelves, chairs
Слайд 12Восстанови слова:
ilingv mroo
idingn omro
Слайд 13Translate from Russian into English
Кровать, книжная полка, компьютер, письменный
стол, шкаф для одежды, зеркало;
Телевизор, кресло, диван, ковер, стенка,
картина, гостиная комната;
Обеденная комната, шкаф для посуды, занавески, стул, стол, лампа;
Холодильник, кухня, центральное отопление, водопровод, современные удобства, плита
Слайд 14Допиши недостающие элементы
(ед. \ мн. ч.)
1 There is…(sofa) in
the living room.
2 There are…(flower) in the vase.
3 There is...
(apple) on the plate.
4 There are… (chair) under the table.
5 There is… (sofa) near the fireplace.
Слайд 15
Употреби на месте пропусков глагол is\are:
1. There ________ a book
on the table.
2. There ___________ four chairs in the living
3. There ________ not any bookshelves in the bedroom.
4. There __________ one TV set in the living room.
5. __________ the any flowers in the room?
6. There _________ some pictures on the wall.
7. There ___________ a sofa in the living room.
8. There _____________ one fridge in the kitchen.
9. There ______________ a table in the middle of the room.
10. There ______________some flowers in the bedroom
Слайд 16Исправь ошибки:
1 There is a dining room
in the house.
2 There are pillow
on the bed.
3 There is a bag in the book.
4 There is lamps in the bedroom.
5 There is walls on the pictures.
Слайд 17Совершенствование навыков чтения
Read the text Miss Honey’s house
Miss Honey is
a teacher in a small school. One day she invited
her pupil Matilda to her house. Matilda saw a narrow path to a tiny house. The house was small, it looked like a doll’s house. There were two little windows at the front. “You can come to the kitchen and help me to make the tea”, Miss Honey said, and they went into the kitchen. Near the wall there was a table for preparing food and a cupboard. Then they went to the living room. The room was small and bare as a prison cell (пустая, как тюремная камера). The day light came from a tiny window in the front wall, but there were no curtains. The only objects in the room were three wooden (деревянный) boxes. That was all. There were no pictures on the wall, no carpet on the floor.
Miss Honey put the tray (поднос) one of the boxes. “Sit down, my dear, sit down”, she said, “and we’ll have a nice hot cup of tea”.
Слайд 18If the statements are true or false
1.Miss Honey lived
in a tiny house.
2. Miss Honey lived in a doll’s
3. There was one room in Miss Honey’s house.
4. There were wooden boxes in the kitchen.
5. There was no carpet on the floor.
6. The living room was small and bare as a prison cell.
7. Miss Honey was a doctor.
8. Miss Honey and the pupil drank milk.
9. There were no curtains on the window.
10. A teacher visited the pupil.
Слайд 19Test
Read the text:
My room.
I have a room. The room is
not very large. There is a table, a sofa, a
lamp and an armchair. There are chairs, curtains, pictures. There is a computer on the table. To the left of the sofa there is a piano. To the right of the sofa there are shelves. There is a carpet on the floor. There is a TV set near the table. There are pictures above the piano. I like my room.
Слайд 20Choose the right answer:
1. I have a…
a) room, b) dog,
c) house.
2. To the right of the sofa there are…
tables, b) shelves, c) candles.
3. There is … on the table.
a) a TV set, b) a vase, c) a computer
4. There is … on the floor.
a) a stereo, b) a carpet, c) a desk
5. The room is…
a) very large, b) very small, c) not very large.
Слайд 21Рефлексия
Раскрась человечка, который соответствует твоему настроению на уроке.