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Презентация по теме: "Seasons and weather"


Цели: -образовательная: обобщение, закрепление знаний учащихся;- развивающие: развитие мышления, памяти, воображения учащихся; развивать интеллектуальные умения; формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка; воспитательные: развивать творческие способности учащихся, формировать качества человека: самостоятельность, активность, умение объективно оценивать свои

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Seasons. Времена года. Weather. Погода.

Seasons. Времена года.  Weather. Погода.

Слайд 2Цели:
-образовательная: обобщение, закрепление знаний учащихся;
- развивающие: развитие мышления, памяти, воображения учащихся; развивать интеллектуальные

умения; формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;
воспитательные: развивать творческие

способности учащихся, формировать качества человека: самостоятельность, активность, умение объективно оценивать свои достижения.
Цели: -образовательная: обобщение, закрепление знаний учащихся;- развивающие: развитие мышления, памяти, воображения учащихся; развивать интеллектуальные умения; формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;

Слайд 3Winter brings us snowflakes, Spring – green buds and shoots. Summer

brings us berries, Autumn – golden fruits.

Winter  brings us snowflakes, Spring – green buds and shoots. Summer brings us berries, Autumn –

Слайд 4We have to: answer the


read the text listen to the text translate sentences and words repeat the grammar   rules write the sentences and words repeat the words make up the dialogues make up the sentences make the project describe pictures play games
We have to:        answer the questions

Слайд 5The motto of our lesson is we see, hear, speak,

do and everything will be OK!

The motto of our lesson is  we see, hear, speak, do and everything will be OK!

Слайд 6Чтение буквосочетания th thing this thick

that thunder weather thin

the three those thaw there
Чтение буквосочетания th thing      this thick      that

Слайд 7Auding


Слайд 8If you hear the word related to the topic «Seasons»,

clap your hands: shower, friend, book, fog, dinner, chair, weather,

heat, cool, season, house, sky, big, hot, cold, thing, life, thunder.
If you hear the word related to the topic «Seasons», clap your hands:   shower, friend,

Слайд 9Circle the odd word out Сloudy, rainy, yellow, frosty, Warm, cold, hot,

flower. Skate, ski, swim, hockey. February, December,January, May.

Circle the odd word out  Сloudy, rainy, yellow, frosty, Warm, cold, hot, flower. Skate, ski, swim,

Слайд 10Make up the words given in a jumbled form: nus,

mwar,musemr,rehtaew, mutuna,olco, ssaeno, retwni, tho, lodc, girnps.

Make up the words given in a jumbled form:   nus, mwar,musemr,rehtaew, mutuna,olco, ssaeno, retwni, tho,

Слайд 11 Logical game (красивый/ warm), (тёплый/summer), (лето/weather)…  

Logical game   (красивый/ warm), (тёплый/summer), (лето/weather)…    



Слайд 13Match the opposites long,dark,yes,cool, cold,warm,day,big, wonderfull,clear, sunny,short,light,hot,night,small,cloudy, no,terrible,rainy

Match the opposites  long,dark,yes,cool,  cold,warm,day,big, wonderfull,clear, sunny,short,light,hot,night,small,cloudy, no,terrible,rainy

Слайд 15Find 9 hidden words on the topic «Seasons and weather».

Слайд 16Grammar rules Present Simple
V1 (S)
every day, usually. often, always,


Grammar rules Present SimpleV1 (S) every day, usually. often, always, sometimes

Слайд 17Reading Spotlight on Russia at page number 9. Look at

the pictures (1-4) and read the descriptions (A-D). What picture

is each comment about?  
Reading Spotlight on Russia at page number 9. Look at the pictures (1-4) and read the descriptions



Слайд 19Collect cut parts of the verse: Summer is hot

We go to school. Spring is warm The ice shines like gold. Winter is cold It brings the first rain storm. Autumn is cool We swim a lot
Collect cut parts of the verse:  Summer is hot

Слайд 21Speaking Task: Describe your season. Use the whole information you’ve learned. Choose

a Leader, name him by the season you have. Use

the decorations.
Speaking Task: Describe your season. Use the whole information you’ve learned. Choose a Leader, name him by

Слайд 22March, April, May

March, April, May

Слайд 23June, July, August

June, July, August

Слайд 24September, October, November

September, October, November

Слайд 25December, January, February

December, January, February

Слайд 26Физминутка
Look left, look right
Look up, look down
Look around

at your nose, look at your rose.

Физминутка Look left, look rightLook up, look downLook around Look at your nose, look at your rose.

Слайд 27Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a

winter forest. What do you see, hear, smell, feel?

Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a winter forest. What do you see, hear,

Слайд 28I see… I hear… I smell… I feel…

I see… I hear… I smell… I feel…

Слайд 29Don`t be lazy, dear friends, Move your arms and move your

hands. Hands on shoulders, hands on neck. Hands on back. Hands on stomach. Hands

on chest. Are you tired? Let us rest
Don`t be lazy, dear friends, Move your arms and move your hands. Hands on shoulders, hands on

Слайд 30The weather forecast from teleconference.

The weather forecast from teleconference.

Слайд 31Pair work

Pair work

Слайд 33Match the proverbs 1. Rain before seven

cats and dogs. 2. A storm

lays great dust. 3. As clear comes a calm. 4. Little rain stills but pours. 5. There is no bad weather a summer. 6. One swallow doesn`t make there are bad clothes. 7. It never rains a great wind. 8. After a storm as a day. 9. Small rain in a tear cup. 10. It rains clear by eleven.
Match the proverbs  1. Rain before seven

Слайд 34Рефлексия. Did we speak about the seasons and the weather?

answer the questions ? read the text? describe pictures? Did you like

our lesson? What did you like?
Рефлексия.   Did we speak about the seasons and the weather?  answer the questions ?

Слайд 35Оцениваем урок и себя: Я узнал… Было интересно… Было трудно… Я выполнял задание… Я научился… Я

могу… Мне захотелось… Я попробую… Меня удивило…

Оцениваем урок и себя: Я узнал… Было интересно… Было трудно… Я выполнял задание… Я научился… Я могу…

Слайд 36  Подведение итогов урока, домашнее задание. Your homework is to make a

project «My  favorite season».  

  Подведение итогов урока, домашнее задание.  Your homework is to make a project «My  favorite season».

Слайд 37Bend your head, Bend your knees. Grow up as tall as new

Year`s tree. On your knees slowly fall, Curl yourself into a ball. Raise

your head, Jump up high. Wave your hand And say Good-bye.  
Bend your head, Bend your knees. Grow up as tall as new Year`s tree. On your knees

Слайд 38Thank you for your attention!

Thank you for your attention!

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