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Презентация урока на тему: "At the Theatre" по английскому языку

To provide students to read and to speak about the theatre . To develop logical thinking and memory . To develop creative activities . Visual aids :

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Theme: At the Theatre

Theme: At the Theatre

Слайд 2To provide students to read and to speak about the

theatre . To develop logical thinking and memory . To

develop creative activities . Visual aids : active board , cards , books . The type of the lesson : combined-mixed lesson .

Aims of the lesson:

To provide students to read and to speak about the theatre . To develop logical thinking and

Слайд 4Answer the questions:

What is the Theatre ?
What is Drama ?

do we need ?
What does Theatre mean ?
When was found

the first Theatre in the World ?
When was found the First Theatre in England ?
When was found the first Theatre in Kazakhstan ?
When was found the first Theatre in Taraz ?
What kind of Theatre do you know ?
How often do you go to the Theatre ?
Answer the questions:What is the Theatre ?What is Drama ?What do we need ?What does Theatre mean

Слайд 51. The Bolshoi Theatre (Russian: Большой театр, Bol'shoy Teatr, meaning Large, Great or Grand Theatre, also spelled Bolshoy) is

a historic theatre in Moscow, Russia, designed by architect Josef Bove, which

holds performances of ballet and opera.

2. Drama is the specific made of fiction represented in performance.[ The term comes from a Greek word meaning “action", which is derived from "to do".

3. The theatre of dolls «Sezam» was founded in 1997 by Kairat Bayanov who has collected around of himself group of enthusiasts - actors of a doll genre.

4. Theatre is one of the oldest and most imporant art forms in cultures worldwide.t

Put each sentences into the correct order.

1. The Bolshoi Theatre (Russian: Большой театр, Bol'shoy Teatr, meaning Large, Great or Grand Theatre, also spelled Bolshoy) is a historic theatre in Moscow, Russia, designed by architect

Слайд 61.The Moscow Art Theatre  is a theatre company in Moscow that the seminal Russian

theatre practitioner Constantine Stanislavski, together with the playwright and director Vladimir

Nemyrovitch – Dantchenko , founded in 1898.

2.The first program was shown to spectators on March, 3rd, 1997, therefore this day by the right is considered Birthday of theatre.

3.Drama is often combined with music and dance: the drama in opera is generally sung throughout; musicals generally include both spoken dialogue and songs; and some forms of drama have incidental music or musical accompaniment underscoring the dialogue.

 4.The Bolshoi Ballet and Bolshoi Opera are amongst the oldest and most renowned ballet and opera companies in the world. The theatre is the parent company of The Bolshoi Ballet-Academy, a world-leading school of ballet.

1.The Moscow Art Theatre  is a theatre company in Moscow that the seminal Russian theatre practitioner Constantine Stanislavski, together with the

Слайд 7To introduce with new words:
Attendant- контролер
Check-room- гардеробная
Foyer- фойе
Scene-painter- художник-декоратор
Leader of

the chorus- хормейстер
Stage- сцена
Footlights, wings- занавес, кулисы
Soloist- солист
Aria- ария
Seats- места

Tickets- билеты
To introduce with new words:Attendant- контролерCheck-room- гардеробнаяFoyer- фойеScene-painter- художник-декораторLeader of the chorus- хормейстерStage- сценаFootlights, wings- занавес, кулисыSoloist-

Слайд 8Brainstorming. Word craze. One of the spelling is correct. Circle

the right one.
1. theatre

teatre theartry
2. tickets tiket techit
3. soloist solist seloist
4. orchestra orkestry orcestre
5. stage steige steiger
6. foyer foye foiyer
7. footlights footflait footphlaits.
Brainstorming. Word craze. One of the spelling is correct. Circle the right one.1. theatre

Слайд 9Which letter is missing:
a) -heatre
b) –tage
c) –oyer
d) –ickets
e) –oloist

Which letter is missing:a) -heatreb) –tagec) –oyerd) –icketse) –oloist

Слайд 10Unscramble the words:
a) Treasthe
b) Rapeo
c) letabl
d) dycome

e) metucos f) lingrilth.
Unscramble the words: a) Treastheb) Rapeoc) letabld) dycome

Слайд 11Reading of the text of ex 1,p 89-90 “At the

There are not many theatres in my town

but they are all very popular with public. I am a theatre lover, too. As for me, I prefer drama to all other theatres, but I like opera and musical comedy, too.
I’ll never forget my first visit to the Opera and Ballet Theatre. My friend and I wanted to see the famous balley “Swan lake” by Tchaikovsky. We bought the tickets in advance and came to the theatre half an hour before the show.
At 7 sharp the performance began. From the first minute I was deeply impressed by everything I saw on the stage. The costumes were fine. The dancing and music were thrilling. The ballet seemed to me a fairy-tale. I had never seen anything more wonderful. My friend also enjoyed every minute of it. When the curtain fell at the end of the performance there came a storm of applause. It seemed that it would never end. The dancers received call after call. They were presented with large bouquets of flowers. We also applauded enthusiastically. The performance was a great success.
Reading of the text of ex 1,p 89-90 “At the Theatre”.  There are not many theatres

Слайд 12Talk to your partner:

Talk to your partner:

Слайд 13Complete the diagram:
What kind of Theatre do you know ?

Complete the diagram:What kind of Theatre do you know ?

Слайд 14Match the words with pictures:


A balcony



Match the words with pictures:PerformanceSeatsA balconyTicketsScene

Слайд 15Ex:2,p 90-91.Complete these sentences using the antonyms with un-:
An …………

person should consult a doctor. (healthy)

When you take off your

clothes, you ……… . (dress)

If you are not sure of something you are ………… about it. (certain)

A world which is false is ……………… . (true)
Ex:2,p 90-91.Complete these sentences using the antonyms with un-:An ………… person should consult a doctor. (healthy)When you

Слайд 16Home task:

Home task:

Слайд 17Conclusion:
1) What is the Theatre ?

2) What is Drama ?


What do we need ?

4) What does the Theatre mean


5) How often do you go to the Theatre ?

6) How many theatres have we got in Taraz ?

The lesson is over
Good bye !

Conclusion:1) What is the Theatre ?2) What is Drama ?3) What do we need ?4) What does

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