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Проект. Лондонский зоопарк. 5 класс.

London Zoo is one of the biggest and the oldest zoo in the world founded over 180 years ago.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The topic of our project is London zoo.

The topic of our project is London zoo.

Слайд 2London Zoo is one of the biggest and the oldest

zoo in the world founded over 180 years ago.

London Zoo is one of the biggest and the oldest zoo in the world founded over 180

Слайд 3There are over 750 different species of animals

There are over 750 different species of animals

Слайд 4The zoo is divided up into many different areas which

are great fun to explore

The zoo is divided up into many different areas which are great fun to explore

Слайд 5Gorilla Kingdom

Gorilla Kingdom

Слайд 6Gorilla Kingdom brings the African rainforest to the heart of

London. Visitors can get close to their colony.

Gorilla Kingdom brings the African rainforest to the heart of London. Visitors can get close to their

Слайд 7Penguin Beach

Penguin Beach

Слайд 8Penguin Beach is England’s biggest penguin pool. It has underwater

windows to allow visitors watch the birds swimming.

Penguin Beach is England’s biggest penguin pool. It has underwater windows to allow visitors watch the birds

Слайд 9Butterfly Paradise

Butterfly Paradise

Слайд 10 It is a celebration of the variety of butterflies

It is a celebration of the variety of butterflies

Слайд 11Tiger Territory

Tiger Territory

Слайд 12Visitors to Tiger Territory will fall into a journey through

an Indonesian habitat, coming face-to-face with beautiful tigers through the

glass windows.
Visitors to Tiger Territory will fall into a journey through an Indonesian habitat, coming face-to-face with beautiful

Слайд 13"MY DREAM" by Gillian Brown.
I love all kinds of animals

Dogs and cats and rabbits. I love all kinds of

animals, Despite their little habits.
If I had tons of money, D'you know what I would do? I would buy lots of animals And have my own zoo.
But they wouldn't be in cages; They would be free to run around. And there's one thing they would feel And that is safe and sound.

Слайд 14Слайд 1. The topic of our project is London zoo.


2. London Zoo is one of the biggest and the

oldest zoo in the world founded over 180 years ago.

Слайд 3. There are over 750 different species of animals

Слайд 4. The zoo is divided up into many different areas which are great fun to explore

Слайд 5. Gorilla Kingdom

Слайд 6. Gorilla Kingdom brings the African rainforest to the heart of London. Visitors can get close to their colony.

Слайд 7. Penguin Beach

Слайд 8. Penguin Beach is England's biggest penguin pool. It has underwater windows to allow visitors watch the birds swimming.

Слайд 9. Butterfly Paradise

Слайд 10. It is a celebration of the variety of butterflies

Слайд 11. Tiger Territory

Слайд 12. Visitors to Tiger Territory will fall into a journey through an Indonesian habitat, coming face-to-face with beautiful tigers through the glass windows.

Слайд 1. The topic of our project is London zoo.Слайд 2. London Zoo is one of the

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