Разделы презентаций

Reported Speech

Direct and Reported SpeechПрямая речь – это речь, переданная дословно, без изменений.Прямая речь заключается в кавычки.Косвенная речь – это способ передачи чужой речи.Косвенная речь – это придаточное предложение, которому предшествует главное.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Reported Speech
Автор Созанкова Е. А.
Г. Богородск
Нижегородской области

Reported SpeechАвтор Созанкова Е. А.МОУ СОШ №1Г. БогородскНижегородской области

Слайд 2Direct and Reported Speech
Прямая речь – это речь, переданная дословно,

без изменений.
Прямая речь заключается в кавычки.
Косвенная речь – это способ

передачи чужой речи.
Косвенная речь – это придаточное предложение, которому предшествует главное.

Direct and Reported SpeechПрямая речь – это речь, переданная дословно, без изменений.Прямая речь заключается в кавычки.Косвенная речь

Слайд 3Orders, requests, advices
Повелительные предложения вводятся в косвенную речь инфинитивом.

в косвенной речи ставится в форме инфинитива с частицей to

автора содержат глаголы: ask, tell, order, advise

The mother says to her daughter, “Clean the room, please.”
The mother asks her daughter to clean the room.

The mother says to her daughter, “Don’t watch TV for a long time.”
The mother asks her daughter not to watch TV for a long time.

Orders, requests, advices Повелительные предложения вводятся в косвенную речь инфинитивом.Глагол в косвенной речи ставится в форме инфинитива

Слайд 4Say the phrases using reported speech

do teachers often say to their pupils?

The teacher always says

to pupils, ”Clean the board, please.”
The teacher always asks the pupils to clean the board.

Don’t be late to your lessons!
Don’t talk at the lessons!
Repeat after me, please.
Open the books.
Correct your mistakes.
Read the assignment attentively.
Don’t run during the break.

Say the phrases using reported speech    What do teachers often say to their pupils?The

Слайд 5Say the phrases using reported speech
What did teachers say to

their pupils yesterday?

The teacher said to pupils, ”Clean the board,

The teacher asked the pupils to clean the board.

Prepare for the lesson properly.
Answer the questions, please.
Write the date, please.
Write down your homework.
Learn the poem by heart.
Don’t shout out at the lesson!
Be ready to do the test.
Don’t forget the rules.

Say the phrases using reported speechWhat did teachers say to their pupils yesterday?The teacher said to pupils,

Слайд 6Affirmative and negative sentences
Утвердительные и отрицательные предложения вводятся в косвенную

речь с помощью союза that.
Подлежащее и сказуемое ставятся

3-ем лице.
The mother says to her daughter, “I am very tired.” –
The mother says to her daughter that she is very tired.
Affirmative and negative sentencesУтвердительные и отрицательные предложения вводятся в косвенную речь с помощью союза that.Подлежащее и сказуемое

Слайд 7Say the phrases using reported speech
What does the boy always

say when he doesn’t want to do his homework?

- I am so tired!
- I want to have a little rest.
- I have a headache.
- I am getting sick.
- I must relax for some time.
- I am not well now.

Say the phrases using reported speechWhat does the boy always say when he doesn’t want to do

Слайд 8Say the phrases using reported speech

What did the boy say

when he didn’t want to do his homework?

- I must walk my dog now.
- I don’t want to do my homework.
- I don’t know what is our homework.
- I haven’t got my diary.
- I need a walk in the open air.
- I needn’t do any homework.
- We have no homework today.

Say the phrases using reported speechWhat did the boy say when he didn’t want to do his

Слайд 9Questions
Общие вопросы
Общие вопросы вводятся в косвенную

речь с помощью союзов
if, whether (ли).

Вопрос становится

утвердительным или отрицательным придаточным предложением.

Порядок слов в придаточном предложении становится прямым.

The daughter asks her mother, “Did you go to the shop yesterday?” –
The daughter asks her mother if she went to the shop yesterday.

Специальные вопросы
Специальные вопросы вводятся в косвенную речь с помощью вопросительных слов, выполняющих функцию союзов.

Вопрос становится утвердительным или отрицательным придаточным предложением.

Порядок слов в придаточном предложении становится прямым.

The daughter asks her mother, “What did you buy in the shop?” –
The daughter asks her mother what she bought in the shop.

Questions   Общие вопросыОбщие вопросы вводятся в косвенную речь с помощью союзов  if, whether (ли).

Слайд 10Say the phrases using reported speech
What do you always ask

your friend after his / her summer holidays?

Where have you

Have you had a good rest?
Did you enjoy your holidays?
Have you made new friends?
Did you swim much during your holidays?
Did you sleep much during your holidays?
Did you read much during your holidays?
Were you happy not to go to school during your holidays?

Say the phrases using reported speech What do you always ask your friend after his / her

Слайд 11Say the phrases using reported speech
What did you ask your

friend after his / her last summer holidays?

How long have

you been there?
What did you do there?
When did you get up during your holidays?
When did you go to bed during your holidays?
What sports did you do during your holidays?
What films did you watch during your holidays?
What interesting places have you visited?
Why did you go there?
Who was there with you?

Say the phrases using reported speech What did you ask your friend after his / her last


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