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Schools in Britain

Типы школГосударственное образованиеЭкзаменационная системаЧастные школыШкольная форма в Британских школахНаказанияСОДЕРЖАНИЕ

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Слайд 1Schools

Schools InBritain

Слайд 2Типы школ
Государственное образование
Экзаменационная система
Частные школы
Школьная форма в Британских школах


Типы школГосударственное образованиеЭкзаменационная системаЧастные школыШкольная форма в Британских школахНаказанияСОДЕРЖАНИЕ

Слайд 3In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children from

5 to 16 years of age.

In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children from 5 to 16 years of age.

Слайд 4
Britain has got a very interesting system of education.

Education is class-divided. There are some state schools and private

schools. State schools are divided into primary schools and secondary schools.
Britain has got a very interesting system of education. Education is class-divided. There are some state

Primary schools
Junior schools
Infant schools
Secondary schools
Grammar schools
Comprehensive schools
Private schools

Preparatory schools
Public schools

BRITISH SHOOLSSTATE SCHOOLSPrimary schoolsJunior schoolsInfant schoolsSecondary schoolsGrammar schoolsComprehensive schoolsPrivate schoolsIndependent schoolsPreparatory schoolsPublic schools

Слайд 6Primary school
(Infant school and
Junior school)


State schools

Primary school  (Infant school and  Junior school)Secondary  schoolState schools

Слайд 7All state schools in Britain are free. 90% of state

schools are co-educational. That means that boys and girls are

taught together in the same class.
All state schools in Britain are free. 90% of state schools are co-educational. That means that boys

Слайд 8Primary school
Primary schools are divided into infant and junior schools.

The children attend the primary schools for 6 years.

Primary schoolPrimary schools are divided into infant and junior schools. The children attend the primary schools for

Слайд 9Infant schools

Infant schools

Слайд 10At the age of 5 children go to infant school,

which is the first stage of primary education. There is

no written timetable and classes are informal. Children read, draw and sing.
At the age of 5 children go to infant school, which is the first stage of primary

Слайд 11Junior school

Junior school

Слайд 12 From 7 to 11 pupils attend junior schools, which

is the second stage of primary education.
Boys and girls have

got many interesting schools subjects. They are History, English, Geography, Mathematics, Art, Music, Sport, Computing, Cooking.
When the pupils enter the junior schools, they have a special test. According to the results of the tests and their intellectual abilities they are divided into three groups.
Boys and girls study at junior schools for four years.
From 7 to 11 pupils attend junior schools, which is the second stage of primary education.Boys

Слайд 13Secondary school

Secondary school

Слайд 14At the age of 11 most pupils go to secondary

schools. About 90% of children receive their secondary education at

comprehensive schools. Comprehensive schools provide compulsory education for all pupils, there are no entrance exams there. About 6% of pupils go to grammar schools, which take students who pass the 11+ examination.
At the age of 11 most pupils go to secondary schools. About 90% of children receive their

Слайд 15 At the age of 16 students write an examination called

GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education) and then they can leave

school if they wish. This is the end of compulsory education. Some students continue their education at school and prepare for the national exam called “A”level (Advanced Level) at 18.They need “A”level to enter a university.
At the age of 16 students write an examination called GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education) and

Слайд 16Private schools

Private schools

Слайд 17Some students go to private schools, where parents have to

pay for their children’s education. Private schools are very expensive

and they are attended by about 7 % of children.
The education in public schools is of high quality, the discipline is very strict. Most of private schools are either for boys or for girls.
Some private schools are very famous, such as Eton, Harrow, Rugby and Winchester.

Some students go to private schools, where parents have to pay for their children’s education. Private schools

Слайд 18Harrow school

Harrow school

Слайд 19
Harrow school is famous as the place where Winston Churchill

was educated, as well as six other Prime Ministers of

Great Britain, the poet Lord Byron and many other prominent people.
Harrow school is famous as the place where Winston Churchill was educated, as well as six other

Слайд 20Harrow is a school for boys with 800 pupils. The

school has the best golf courses, a swimming pool, a

large library and even the best school theatre in the UK.
Harrow is a school for boys with 800 pupils. The school has the best golf courses, a

Слайд 22Winchester School

Winchester School

Слайд 23School uniform is not a must in State Schools. At

the same time private schools require school uniform for their

students. Wearing school uniform is a tradition in Britain. The usual school uniform for boys is a school cap, a tie, a blazer and a jacket. The girl’s uniform consists of a skirt, a blouse and a jacket. Girls also wear caps or hats. School uniform usually has the emblem of the school. Girls don’t like to wear it. But teachers say that school uniform makes pupils be disciplined. It is the face of schools as well as the old tradition.


School uniform is not a must in State Schools. At the same time private schools require school



Слайд 25Punishments


Слайд 26There are some punishments used in British schools.

Lines. When a

teacher gives you “lines”, you write out some sentence again

and again, perhaps 50 or 100 times. For example, you can write “I must do my homework” or “I must not be late”.

Detention. If you are in detention, you stay after school to do extra work – lines or clean the classroom.
There are some punishments used in British schools.Lines. When a teacher gives you “lines”, you write out

Слайд 27Report. If you are “on report”, you have a card

which you give to the teacher at the end of

every lesson. Each teacher reports if you behaved well or badly.

Suspension. If you are suspended, you cannot come to school for a few days.
Your parents have to see the Head Teacher. This is serious.

Exclusion. If you are excluded, you are sent away from your school. This is very serious. You have to go to another school.
Report. If you are “on report”, you have a card which you give to the teacher at

Слайд 28The project was prepared by Mal’tseva Kristina and Serikova Helen,

form 7a, school № 54.
Thank you for your attention!

The project was prepared by Mal’tseva Kristina and Serikova Helen, form 7a, school № 54.Thank you for

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