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Слайд 1Scotland
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Слайд 2Scotland


Слайд 3Where is Scotland?
Scotland occupies the northern
 part of the island of Great Britain

Where is Scotland?Scotland occupies the northern part of the island of Great Britain

Слайд 4The Map of Scotland

The Map of Scotland

Слайд 5A Few Facts About Scotland
The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.

money used is called the pound sterling.
The population of Scotland

is about 5 million people
The language spoken is English.
Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom.

A Few Facts About ScotlandThe capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.The money used is called the pound sterling.The

Слайд 6Let’s Visit Some Important Cities in Scotland
Edinburgh is the capital.

Let’s Visit Some Important Cities in ScotlandEdinburghEdinburgh is the capital.

Слайд 7Glasgow


Слайд 8Famous Sights in Scotland
Stirling Castle
Stirling Castle is from medieval times

and is near Edinburgh.
It is opened to visitors.

Famous Sights in ScotlandStirling CastleStirling Castle is from medieval times and is near Edinburgh. It is opened

Слайд 9Famous Castles and Historic Houses


Famous Castles and Historic Houses           l

Слайд 10Ancient Stones of Scotland

Ancient Stones of Scotland

Слайд 11What Scottish Kids Do
Scottish kids enjoy many sports such as

football, soccer, rugby and golf.
They like riding a bicycle, go

fishing in summer. In the winter they are fond of skiing and skating.

What Scottish Kids DoScottish kids enjoy many sports such as football, soccer, rugby and golf.They like riding

Слайд 12Scotland’s Important People
Alexander Graham Bell - the inventor of the

Andrew Carnegie -came to the U.S. and made a fortune

in the iron and steel business. He gave money to build many of our libraries.
Sean Connery - an actor who starred the first James Bond movies.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - the author of Sherlock Holmes mysteries.
Sheena Easton - a famous pop singer.
Captain Kidd - a famous pirate.
John Muir -founded our U.S. National Park system .
Robert Louis Stevenson - an author of Treasure Island .
Scotland’s Important PeopleAlexander Graham Bell - the inventor of the telephoneAndrew Carnegie -came to the U.S. and

Слайд 13Scotland is famous for…
Haggis- a food made from the organs

of sheep and oatmeal.
Kilts - traditional Scottish woolen cloth costume

with a tartan or plaid pattern. This is a skirt that men wear.
Bagpipers - people who play the bagpipes, a traditional Scottish instrument .
Scotland is famous for…Haggis- a food made from the organs of sheep and oatmeal.Kilts - traditional Scottish

Слайд 14Scottish Culture
Scots celebrate many holidays.

Scottish families are called clans

and each clan has a special plaid to show what

their family is. These are the plaids on their kilts.
Scottish CultureScots celebrate many holidays. Scottish families are called clans and each clan has a special plaid

Слайд 15What Scots Like to Eat

What Scots Like to Eat

Слайд 16Scotland is a country of old traditions and unique nature.

My dream is to visit this country, that’s why I

must work hard to speak English fluently.

Scotland is a country of old traditions and unique nature. My dream is to visit this country,

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