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Self-made Men

BILL GATESthe American billionairethe Owner of Microsoft

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Слайд 1Self-made Men


the American billionaire

the Owner of Microsoft

BILL GATESthe American billionairethe Owner of Microsoft

Слайд 3
William Henry Gates was born on the
28th October 1955.

At school

he was good at Maths and Science.

William Henry Gates was born on the28th October 1955.At school he was good at Maths and Science.

Слайд 4He first began to use computers at Lakeside, the private


He first began to use computers at Lakeside, the private school.

Слайд 5Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen wrote programs and

learned about computers instead of doing their schoolwork.

Bill Gates and his schoolfriend Paul Allen wrote programs and learned about computers instead of doing their

Слайд 6In 1973 they went to Harvard, America’s most famous university.

They wrote operating program for Altair and started Microsoft in

In 1973 they went to Harvard, America’s most famous university. They wrote operating program for Altair and

Слайд 7
Microsoft was a business success.

The company turned into the world

leading corporation producing PC software.

Microsoft was a business success.The company turned into the world leading corporation producing PC software.

Слайд 9In 1994 Bill Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft manager.

In 1994 Bill Gates married Melinda French, a Microsoft manager.

Слайд 10In 1995 B.Gates wrote the best-selling book The Road Ahead.

In 1995 B.Gates wrote the best-selling book  The Road Ahead.

Слайд 11Now Bill Gates has about 60 billion dollars. He spends

a lot of money on charity.

Now Bill Gates has about 60 billion dollars. He spends a lot of money on charity.

Слайд 12МБОУ «Сош с.Шумейка» Энгельсского района Саратовской области учитель английского языка Дудинская

Елена Иосифовна
Кузьмин А.В, Агеев С.В. Тесты по английскому языку: грамматика,

лексика, аудирование.- СПб.: КАРО, 2008.
МБОУ «Сош с.Шумейка» Энгельсского района Саратовской области учитель английского языка  Дудинская Елена ИосифовнаИсточники:Кузьмин А.В, Агеев С.В.

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