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"Составление диалога"

How to invite people you know or friendsLet’s …....How about …….+ing ………..?I feel like ….+ing ……..Can you come over for ………?I’d like to take you to …….I don’t feel like

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Dialogues


Слайд 2How to invite people you know or friends
Let’s …....
How about

…….+ing ………..?
I feel like ….+ing ……..
Can you come over for

I’d like to take you to …….
I don’t feel like studying tonight, let’s…..
How to invite people you know  or friendsLet’s …....How about …….+ing ………..?I feel like ….+ing ……..Can

Слайд 3How to invite people you don’t know or adults
I’ like

to invite you to…… . Can you come?
We are

…..+ing……. . Would you like to join us?
How to invite people  you don’t know or adultsI’ like to invite you to…… . Can

Слайд 4You accept invitations
I’d love to. Thanks.
I’d be very glad to

come. Thank you.
All right.
That sounds good/great.
That sounds like fun. Let’s

I’d like that very much.
You accept invitationsI’d love to. Thanks.I’d be very glad to come. Thank you.OK.All right.That sounds good/great.That sounds

Слайд 5When you refuse you say:
I’m afraid I can’t.
I’d love to,

but I’m afraid I can’t.
I wish I could but I’m

afraid I can’t.
Thank you for your invitation. But I can’t, I’m afraid/I’m sorry.
When you refuse you say:I’m afraid I can’t.I’d love to, but I’m afraid I can’t.I wish I

Слайд 6-Invite your friend to the cinema
- Accept the invitation. Ask

about the time.

-Invite your friend to the cinema- Accept the invitation. Ask about the time.

Слайд 7-Invite your friend to the zoo
- Accept the invitation. Ask

about the time.

-Invite your friend to the zoo- Accept the invitation. Ask about the time.

Слайд 8-Invite your uncle/aunt to go for a walk

-Invite your uncle/aunt to go for a walk

Слайд 9-Invite your friend to go on a picnic
-Refuse the invitation

because you are busy

-Invite your friend to go on a picnic-Refuse the invitation because you are busy

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