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Cell Phones Turning Teens Into Chimpanzees 8 класс

«Мobile phones making a monkey out of Japanese». [Mainichi. Daily News]Well, this is

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Слайд 1Cell Phones Turning Teens Into Chimpanzees

Cell Phones Turning Teens Into Chimpanzees

Слайд 2«Мobile phones making a monkey out of Japanese».

[Mainichi. Daily News]

Well, this is certainly news. Looks like a professor at
the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute has
accused Japanese teenagers of acting like monkeys—
all because of their overuse of mobile phones.
Basically, younger folk are mocking the behavior of
chimpanzees by losing the ability to discern between
public and private space.

«Мobile phones making a monkey out of Japanese».

Слайд 3"They don't eat meals at home with family
members and

you can clearly see with your
own eyes the large

increase in young people
who hang about on the streets together with
the same old friends," Masataka says.

Слайд 4"They make places like Shibuya their territory and rarely head

even to places like (nearby entertainment
and shopping districts) Shinjuku

or Harajuku. They get tired going to new places or meeting new people.
If they get hungry while they're strolling around,
they simply get food by going into a convenience
store, buying something and sitting down outside
on the curb to eat it. If not that, then they just hang around for hours in fast food joints."

Masataka says these behaviors closely resembles the behavior of chimps which tend to travel in groups, walking around for a long time without going to any specific place, then eating and disposing of their wastes in the same place before bedding down on piles of grass whenever and wherever the inclination takes them.

Слайд 5And this intense loitering happens because of
He believes parents

allow their kids out later
because they can reach them

easily, and this
is actually cutting down on the communications
within families. And of course, let's not even
get started on the whole text messaging thing
limiting conversations.
Now can someone please tell the Creationists
about this?
And this intense loitering happens because of cellphones.He believes parents allow their kids out later because they

Слайд 6

Cell phone most hated, needed invention

Love it.

Hate it. Need it.

Cell phone most hated, needed invention Love it. Hate it. Need it.

Слайд 7Americans are ambivalent about their
cell phones, TV sets and

the like. They
rely on such everyday technology, but

drives them nuts.

At the top of the list.

The cell phone.

Americans are ambivalent about their cell phones, TV sets and the like. They rely on such everyday

Слайд 8An annual Massachusetts Institute of
Technology survey, known as the

Lemelson-MIT Invention Index, found
that among adults asked what invention

they hate most but can't live without,
30 percent said the cell phone.

An annual Massachusetts Institute of Technology survey, known as the Lemelson-MIT Invention Index, found that among adults

Слайд 9Microwave ovens, computers and answering machines also earned spots as

detested technology.

The survey has been conducted for the past

eight years to gauge public opinion toward inventions, inventors and technology.

Alarm clocks were a close second,

with 25 percent, followed by the television with 23 percent
and razors with 14 percent.

Microwave ovens, computers and answering machines also earned spots as detested technology. The survey has been conducted

Слайд 10"The interconnectedness you get from the cell phone is a

very positive thing, and I think that's one of the

most important things, the bringing together of people.
The downside of that is that you sometimes want to be alone," said Lemelson Center Director Merton C. Flemings.

The telephone survey of 1,023 adults and 500 teenagers was conducted by Princeton, New Jersey-based Taylor Nelson Sofres Intersearch and was released.

Слайд 11Ninety-five percent of the adults surveyed felt that inventions had

improved the quality of their lives.
Bleau said it was

hard to find fault with the technology keeping her in constant touch with her daughter, and Dillon did not find much to criticize about cell phones, other than their pesky habit of going off in public places.

Ninety-five percent of the adults surveyed felt that inventions had improved the quality of their lives. Bleau

Слайд 12Dillon said he had a love-hate relationship with television.He ditched

his television years ago. Now, he, Bleau, and Bleau's daughter

have a TV in their Latham, New York, home, but it is used only for watching movies.

"It's not hooked into any kind of broadcast or anything like that, primarily because it's so invasive, and can take over your life," he said. "But it's a double-edged sword. I miss the History Channel."

Dillon said he had a love-hate relationship with television.He ditched his television years ago. Now, he, Bleau,

Слайд 13Jaime Wasserman, 26, of Boston, walked through Quincy Market with

her cell phone pressed to her ear.

"I love technology.

There's really nothing that irritates me. I love it all. Computers, television," she said. "An alarm clock? You need an alarm clock. People who hate it are probably lazy people who just don't feel like getting up in the morning."
Jaime Wasserman, 26, of Boston, walked through Quincy Market with her cell phone pressed to her ear.

Those surveyed said these are the inventions

they hate most but can't live without:

• Cell phone --

30% • Alarm clock -- 25% • Television -- 23% • Shaving razors -- 14%
-- Lemelson-MIT Program
LOVE HATE RELATIONSHIP Those surveyed said these are the inventions they hate most but can't live without:•

Слайд 15
Which gadget do you hate the most, but also can't

live without?

Cell phone

Alarm clock


Which gadget do you hate the most, but also can't live without?Cell phoneAlarm clock Television

Слайд 16
I could not imagine my life without my phone or

I should say phones because I have got a mobile

too. I need a telephone to get in touch with my friends or to call the police or an ambulance.

I could not imagine my life without my phone

I could not imagine my life without my phone or I should say phones because I have

Слайд 17It is almost impossible for me to live without my

phones. At home I have got a cordless telephone, I

think it saves time when you have a receiver just at hand.

But my mum was against buying a cordless phone because if there is some problem with electricity it would not work and you will be totally lost. She also thinks that it is a luxury to have a mobile, it is too expensive, and it is more trouble than it is worth. Besides she says that mobiles are dangerous for health. The rays may cause headaches and even more dangerous diseases. I don’t believe her. For me my telephones are really invaluable.

It is almost impossible for me to live without my phones. At home I have got a

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