Разделы презентаций

Sports and Games 2 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Our School
Sports and Games

Our SchoolSports and Games

Слайд 2Our school

Our school

Слайд 3To go to school

To go to school

Слайд 4A swimming pool to go to the swimming pool to go to

the swimming pool to swim

A swimming pool to go to the swimming pool to go to the swimming pool to swim

Слайд 5To swim in the swimming pool

To swim in the swimming pool

Слайд 6A stadium to go to the stadium

A stadium to go to the stadium

Слайд 7To play football at the stadium to go to the stadium

to play football

To play football at the stadium to go to the stadium to play football

Слайд 8To play tennis at the stadium to go to the stadium

to play hockey

To play tennis at the stadium to go to the stadium to play hockey

Слайд 9To play tennis at the stadium to go to the stadium

to play tennis

To play tennis at the stadium to go to the stadium to play tennis

Слайд 10To play table tennis to go to the stadium to play

table tennis

To play table tennis to go to the stadium to play table tennis

Слайд 11Our School
Sports and Games

Our SchoolSports and Games

Слайд 12I –my
You – your
We –our
They – their
He –his
She – her

- its

I –myYou – yourWe –ourThey – theirHe –hisShe – herIt - its

Слайд 13School
A swimming pool
A sports ground
A playground
A stadium

SchoolA swimming poolA sports groundA playground A stadium

Слайд 14To go to school
To go to the swimming pool
To go

to the stadium
To go to the sport ground
To go to

the playground
To go to the swimming pool to swim
To go to the stadium to play football/hockey
To go to the sports ground to play volleyball

To go to schoolTo go to the swimming poolTo go to the stadiumTo go to the sport

Слайд 15To play volleyball
To play basketball
To play football
To play hockey
To play

To play table tennis
To play badminton
Very well

To play volleyballTo play basketballTo play footballTo play hockeyTo play tennisTo play table tennisTo play badmintonVery well

Слайд 16Let’s go to the swimming pool
With great pleasure
A girl –

A boy - boys
To be ill
To be sorry

come in
To think
I think
To know
I don’t know
Let’s go to the swimming poolWith great pleasureA girl – girlsA boy - boys To be illTo

Слайд 17To play snowballs
To sledge
A sledge
To skate
To ski
To skip

To play snowballsTo sledgeA sledgeTo skateskatesTo skiSkisTo skip

Слайд 18want to play snowballs like to play snowballs can play snowballs

want to play snowballs like to play snowballs can play snowballs

Слайд 19Skate like to skate want to skate can skate

Skate like to skate want to skate can skate

Слайд 21Like to ski want to ski can ski

Like to ski want to ski can ski

Слайд 22Like to sledge want to sledge can sledge

Like to sledge want to sledge can sledge

Слайд 23Like to skip want to skip can skip

Like to skip want to skip can skip

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