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Своя игра на английском языке, 5-7 классы


Natural SciencesRound 1 ZoologyBotany 100100100200200200300300300

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Слайд 2Natural Sciences
Round 1


Natural SciencesRound 1 ZoologyBotany 100100100200200200300300300

Слайд 3Natural Sciences 100
Can we call the cockroach as a domestic


Natural Sciences 100Can we call the cockroach as a domestic animal.

Слайд 4Natural Sciences 200
The world’s oldest deepest freshwater lake.

Natural Sciences 200The world’s oldest deepest freshwater lake.

Слайд 5Natural Sciences 300
The part of the Earth where living organisms


Natural Sciences 300The part of the Earth where living organisms live?

Слайд 6Botany 100
Conditions for seed germination.

Botany 100Conditions for seed germination.

Слайд 7A pig in
A poke

A pig in A poke

Слайд 8Botany 200
1. What is the name of the molecule that

transports oxygen in red blood cells.
The respiratory pigment of the

red blood cells is (hemoglobin.)
2. What is necessary for digestion and absorption of salts?
Bile is a green fluid secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder.
3. Who classified all living things into the biological families? (the Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus)

Botany 2001. What is the name of the molecule that transports oxygen in red blood cells.The respiratory

Слайд 9Botany 300
This cereal is very unusual. People use other

parts of a plant instead of grains.

Botany  300This cereal is very unusual. People use other parts of a plant instead of grains.

Слайд 10Zoology 100

What animal can live 45 days without water?

Zoology 100What animal can live 45 days without water?

Слайд 11Zoology 200

How many pairs of legs do insects have?

Zoology 200 How many pairs of legs do insects have?

Слайд 12Zoology 300

Which animal can see in two different directions at

the same time?

Zoology 300Which animal can see in two different directions at the same time?

Слайд 13We know a lot…

We know a lot…

Слайд 14 Biology Quiz
Which famous scientist introduced the idea of natural


Biology Quiz Which famous scientist introduced the idea of natural selection?

Слайд 15 Biology Quiz
A person who

studies biology is known as a?

Biology Quiz   A person who studies biology is known as a?

Слайд 16 Biology Quiz

Botany is the study of?

Biology Quiz Botany is the study of?

Слайд 17Biology Quiz
Can frogs live in salt water?

Biology Quiz Can frogs live in salt water?

Слайд 18Biology Quiz
True or false? The common cold is caused by

a virus.

Biology Quiz True or false? The common cold is caused by a virus.

Слайд 19Anatomy. Man

Round 2

Famous Scientists

Anatomy. ManRound 2EcologyFamous Scientists100100100200200200300300300

Слайд 20 Anatomy. Man. 100
What helps keep the human body


Anatomy. Man. 100What helps keep the human body cool?

Слайд 21Anatomy. Man. 200
What is the average weight of the human


Anatomy. Man. 200What is the average weight of the human brain?

Слайд 22Anatomy. Man. 300
Which are the main cells of the nervous system?

Anatomy. Man. 300Which are the main cells of the nervous system?

Слайд 23 Famous Scientists 100
Who formulated the central principle of modern

biology – natural selection?

Famous Scientists 100Who formulated the central principle of modern biology – natural selection?

Слайд 24Famous Scientists 200
This scientist discovered the first telescope in 1609.

Famous Scientists 200This scientist discovered the first telescope in 1609.

Слайд 25Famous Scientists 300
Who discovered the cell structure of all living

things with the help of the microscope?

Famous Scientists 300Who discovered the cell structure of all living things with the help of the microscope?

Слайд 26Auction


Слайд 27 Auction 100
True or False: CO2 is formed as a

waste product during respiration.

Auction 100True or False: CO2 is formed as a waste product during respiration.

Слайд 28Ecology 200

What is Ecosystem?

Ecology 200What is Ecosystem?

Слайд 29Ecology 300

What is pollution?

Ecology 300What is pollution?

Слайд 30We know a lot…

We know a lot…

Слайд 31Biology Quiz
Animals which eat both plants and

other animals are known as what?

Biology Quiz    Animals which eat both plants and other animals are known as what?

Слайд 32Biology Quiz
Bacterial infections in

humans can be treated with what?

Biology Quiz      Bacterial infections in humans can be treated with what?

Слайд 33Biology Quiz
A single piece of coiled DNA is known as


Biology Quiz A single piece of coiled DNA is known as a?

Слайд 34Biology Quiz
A group of dog offspring is known as a?

Biology Quiz A group of dog offspring is known as a?

Слайд 35Biology Quiz
The area of biology devoted to the study of

fungi is known as?

Biology Quiz The area of biology devoted to the study of fungi is known as?

Слайд 36Final Round

Final Round123

Слайд 37Final
This is a large black and white wild animal. It

is a national treasure in China. Some of these animals

are much smaller and look rather like a large cat with a bushy tail and a pointed nose. The Chinese call them "large bear-cats.“
FinalThis is a large black and white wild animal. It is a national treasure in China. Some

Слайд 38Final
Living things are described by 7 life processes (MRS GREN)

What does it mean?

FinalLiving things are described by 7 life processes (MRS GREN) What does it mean?

Слайд 39Final
What is “an interacting group of individuals of the same


FinalWhat is “an interacting group of individuals of the same species”?

Слайд 40We know a lot…

We know a lot…

Слайд 41 Biology Quiz
What is the name

of the process used by plants to convert sunlight into


Biology Quiz What is the name of the process used by plants

Слайд 42Biology Quiz
. The death of every member of a particular

species is known as what?

Biology Quiz . The death of every member of a particular species is known as what?

Слайд 43Biology Quiz
The process of pasteurization is named

after which famous French microbiologist?

Biology Quiz    The process of pasteurization is named after which famous French microbiologist?

Слайд 44Biology Quiz
True or false? A salamander is a warm blooded


Biology Quiz True or false? A salamander is a warm blooded animal?

Слайд 45Biology Quiz
A change of the DNA in an organism that

results in a new trait is known as a?

Biology Quiz A change of the DNA in an organism that results in a new trait is

Слайд 46We know a lot…

We know a lot…

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