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The Bronte sisters

Members of the Brontë family Patrick Brontë (17 March 1777 – 7 June 1861) – fatherMaria Brontë, née Branwell (15 April 1783 – 15 September 1821) – motherElizabeth Branwell (2 December

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Слайд 1The Brontë Sisters

The Brontë Sisters

Слайд 2Members of the Brontë family
Patrick Brontë (17 March 1777 –

7 June 1861) – father
Maria Brontë, née Branwell (15 April

1783 – 15 September 1821) – mother
Elizabeth Branwell (2 December 1776 – 29 October 1842) – mother’s sister
Maria (1814 - 1825) – the first sister
Elizabeth (1815–1825) – the second sister
Patrick Branwell (1817 - 1848) - brother

Patrick Brontë

Patrick Branwell

Members of the Brontë family Patrick Brontë (17 March 1777 – 7 June 1861) – fatherMaria Brontë,

Слайд 3Life and literature
Brontë Parsonage Museum
Haworth parsonage
1846 issue of Brontë

poems under the pseudonyms of Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell

Sisters statue
Life and literature Brontë Parsonage MuseumHaworth parsonage1846 issue of Brontë poems under the pseudonyms of Currer, Ellis

Слайд 4Charlotte Brontë
(21 April 1816 – 31 March 1855)

Charlotte Brontë (21 April 1816 – 31 March 1855)

Слайд 5Literature works
Jane Eyre, published 1847

Shirley, published in 1849

Villette, published in


The Professor, published in 1857

Emma (unfinished), published in 1860

Literature worksJane Eyre, published 1847Shirley, published in 1849Villette, published in 1853The Professor, published in 1857Emma (unfinished), published

Слайд 6Films


Слайд 7EMILY Brontë
Emily was the fifth child of six Brontë children.

She did not attend school and lived in a remote

village. Emily had the least opportunity to study, in contrast to their sisters.
Unlike other children Bronte, Emily was tall and strong physique. It was the busiest member of the family, she had no friends. She loved animals, but had a violent temper, and kept them in severity. She avoided all but the family, and her bright personality traits are represented in the characters of her works. Her poetry is deeply religious, despite the fact that she refused to receive religious education.

(30 July 1818 – 19 December 1848)

EMILY BrontëEmily was the fifth child of six Brontë children. She did not attend school and lived

Слайд 8Mr. Bronte also intended that his second daughter, Elizabeth becomes

a housekeeper, and the rest - governesses. Emily six months

worked as a teacher at the school «Law Hill» near Halifax in 1838.
Emily became a writer from the moment she learned to read. Together with Ann, they wrote poems and stories about the fictional world of Gondal. Emily least of all wanted to be a collection of poems was published by Bell Brothers, and even after the publication of "Wuthering Heights", she refused to make the company his sisters on a trip to London to open the world the truth that hides behind the pseudonym Belle three-educated women.
Mr. Bronte also intended that his second daughter, Elizabeth becomes a housekeeper, and the rest - governesses.

Слайд 9ANNE Brontë
Anne was the youngest of the six Brontë children.

She was not even two years old when her mother

died in September 1821. Anne was astmatichkoy, frail girl, but a serious and deeply religious.
The Reverend Patrick Bronte, father of the family, was a Protestant Church of England priest. Aunt Branwell was a supporter of Methodism, founded by John Wesley. Between these religious differences, Ann continually rushing in the end, seriously ill in 1837.
ANNE BrontëAnne was the youngest of the six Brontë children. She was not even two years old

Слайд 10Wanting a better future for their daughters, Patrick Bronte planned

to marry them off well after they receive a decent

education. Anne studied at the school «Roe Head» near Dewsbury just a couple of years - from 1835 to '37. The rest of the education she received at home.
Anne managed to work in the two houses as a governess. Her work seemed to her oppressor, primitive.
Anne wrote stories and poems since childhood. Together with her sister Emily, they were in their fantasies magical world called Gondal.
Wanting a better future for their daughters, Patrick Bronte planned to marry them off well after they

Слайд 11In 1846, Anne, along with sisters, brothers took the alias

Bell, released a collection of poems and short stories, one

of which includes two novels, written by the most directly Anne - "Agnes Grey" and "Stranger in Uayldfell Hall." The novel "Agnes Grey" is based on her personal life experiences - work as a governess in the family. Anne Bronte published under the pseudonym of Acton Bell.
September 24, 1848, Ann's brother, Branwell, died of tuberculosis at age 31. Three months later, on December 19, died of the same disease Emily. She was 30. Two weeks later, it became clear that Anne was infected with tuberculosis. Her body was buried in the cemetery of St. Mary.

From left to right: Anne, Emily and Charlotte

In 1846, Anne, along with sisters, brothers took the alias Bell, released a collection of poems and


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