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The Earth Needs a Friend, Doesn’t it? 8 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The Earth Needs a Friend, Doesn’t it?
Bagapova Dinara Malikovna

The Earth Needs a Friend, Doesn’t it? Bagapova Dinara MalikovnaForm: 8

Слайд 2Together we can make the world

A better place Because the world’s best friend Is you! Mirriam Mackley
Together we can make the world

Слайд 3WHO or WHAT must we protect

our planet from?

WHO or WHAT     must we protect our planet from?

Слайд 4We must protect from...

We must protect from...

Слайд 8The most serious environmental problems now are: - Littering

- Air pollution, smog - Water pollution

- Endangered species, animals which are almost extinct - Destruction of natural resources - Noise pollution
The most serious environmental problems now are:   - Littering   - Air pollution, smog

Слайд 9
What can we do to save the Earth?

What can we do to save the Earth?

Слайд 10Unfortunately, later our technical civilization thinking only of material good

succeeded in destroying nature and creating the ecological crisis on

our planet. And it is your challenge, young people, to restore an ecological balance on our planet and to leave it clean and healthy for future generations.
Unfortunately,  later our technical civilization thinking only of material good succeeded in destroying nature and creating

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