Разделы презентаций

The English Year 5 класс

Содержание Winter in Great Britain (3)Thanksgiving Day (4)Christmas in Great Britain (5)St Valentine's Day (6)Spring in Great Britain (7)Easter Day (8)Summer in Great Britain (9)Autumn in Great Britain (10)New Year in

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The English Year

Авторы: ученики 5-го класса Димитриевской школы г. Москвы

The English YearАвторы: ученики 5-го класса Димитриевской школы г. Москвы

Слайд 2Содержание
Winter in Great Britain (3)
Thanksgiving Day (4)
Christmas in Great Britain

St Valentine's Day (6)
Spring in Great Britain (7)
Easter Day (8)

in Great Britain (9)
Autumn in Great Britain (10)
New Year in Great Britain (11)
Содержание Winter in Great Britain (3)Thanksgiving Day (4)Christmas in Great Britain (5)St Valentine's Day (6)Spring in Great

Слайд 33. Winter in Great Britain
There are four winter months

in Great Britain
Чокуа Валера

3. Winter in Great Britain There are four winter months in Great Britain СодержаниеЧокуа Валера

Слайд 44. Thanksgiving Day
In November in America there is a

great holiday - Thanksgiving Day
Овчинникова Нина

4. Thanksgiving Day In November in America there is a great holiday - Thanksgiving DayсодержаниеОвчинникова Нина

Слайд 55. Christmas in Great Britain
On the 25th of December

the English celebrate Christmas
Смирнова Даша

5. Christmas in Great Britain On the 25th of December the English celebrate Christmas СодержаниеСмирнова Даша

Слайд 66. St Valentine's Day
On the 14th of February is

St Valentine's Day
Гришко Димитрия

6. St Valentine's Day On the 14th of February is St Valentine's Day СодержаниеГришко Димитрия

Слайд 77. Spring in Great Britain
There are two spring months

in Great Britain
Цацурина Соня

7. Spring in Great Britain There are two spring months in Great BritainсодержаниеЦацурина Соня

Слайд 88. Easter Day
In April or at the end of

March people celebrate Easter
Карташова Катя

8. Easter Day In April or at the end of March people celebrate Easter СодержаниеКарташова Катя

Слайд 99. Summer in Great Britain
In Great Britain summer begins in

Сулейманов Миша

9. Summer in Great BritainIn Great Britain summer begins in MayCодержаниеСулейманов Миша

Слайд 1010. Autumn in Great Britain
Autumn months are September and

Ковбас Аня

10. Autumn in Great Britain Autumn months are September and OctoberКовбас АняСодержание

Слайд 1111. New Year in Great Britain
On the 31st of

December English people celebrate New Year
Батенина Маша

11. New Year in Great Britain On the 31st of December English people celebrate New Year содержаниеБатенина

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