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The genius of the world music

Austria, the country connected with the name of W. A. MozartAustria is situated in the centre of Europe. It is famous for musical life, because more than one hundred composers were

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Вологодская область Верховажский район
The genius of the world music
Mozart is

the only musician who had as much knowledge as genius,

and as much genius as knowledge.

Игнатьевская Татьяна Николаевна,
учитель английского языка
МОУ «Нижнекулойская средняя общеобразовательная школа»

Вологодская область Верховажский районThe genius of the world musicMozart is the only musician who had as much

Слайд 2Austria, the country connected with the name of W. A.

Austria is situated in the centre of Europe. It is

famous for musical life, because more than one hundred composers were born in the country.
Austria, the country connected with the name of W. A. MozartAustria is situated in the centre of

Слайд 3One of the most
beautiful cities
in Austria
A birthplace and

a native city
of W.A. Mozart
The city of music

to the great composer


One of the most beautiful cities in AustriaA birthplace and a native city of W.A. MozartThe city

Слайд 4 1756

- 1791
The Great Mozart

1756 - 1791The Great Mozart

Слайд 5Mother – Anna Maria Pertl
Father – Leopold Mozart
Mozart's Family
Sister –

Maria Anna
Wolfgang Amadeus

Mother – Anna Maria PertlFather – Leopold MozartMozart's FamilySister – Maria Anna Wolfgang Amadeus

Слайд 6Mozart and his sister at the piano
Wolfgang with his father

and sister
Love to music in the family
Wolfgang loved music from

Mozart and his sister at the pianoWolfgang with his father and sisterLove to music in the familyWolfgang

Слайд 7All his life he devoted to music
The future genius

All his life he devoted to musicThe future genius

Слайд 8The house where the family of the composer lived
The best

– loved musical instrument of Mozart

The house where the family of the composer livedThe best – loved musical instrument of Mozart

Слайд 10The musical heritage of W.A. Mozart
27 piano concertos
23 string quartets

violin sonatas
41 symphonies
6 operas
Religious music,

The musical heritage of W.A. Mozart27 piano concertos23 string quartets35 violin sonatas41 symphonies6 operasReligious music,serenades

Слайд 11The memory about great composer

The memory about great composer

Слайд 12http://www.hnet.ru/news/chronograph/id/2204/
Методическая мозаика. Приложение к журналу «Иностранные

языки в школе».

Использованные источники:
http://www.hnet.ru/news/chronograph/id/2204/http://thebest.net.ru/?p=1163http://www.gorod603.ru/avstriya.htmlhttp://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1390273.Tara_S_Nicholshttp://sozvuchie.org/literatura/music_38.htmlhtpp://www.sunmarin.ru/upload/block/2a7/5jpg    Методическая мозаика. Приложение к журналу «Иностранные языки в школе».№3,2006http://otdyh.ru/hsow/city.php?id=403http://wwwsubscribe.ru/catalog/rcc.44020http://www.yuriy.krugom500org.ua/OnFoot/Garmany2007/Zalzbourg.htm.http://www.geosocks.com/foto/11/3http://www.new.tour.co.ua/directions/avstriya/http://valtour.ru/hot/Austriya/zalsburg/

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