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The London Eye 5 класс

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Выполнила: Ерова Л. Н.
Учитель английского языка МОАУ «СОШ

№ 22» г. Новотроицка
«The London Eye»

«THE LONDON EYE»Выполнила: Ерова Л. Н.Учитель английского языка МОАУ «СОШ № 22» г. Новотроицка«The London Eye»

Слайд 2What do you know about London?


What do you know about London?London

Слайд 3


Слайд 4


Слайд 5Answer my questions
Buckingham Palace is the most famous place in


Answer my questionsBuckingham Palace is the most famous place in London

Слайд 6
Trafalgar Square is the most popular place for people to


Trafalgar Square is the most popular place for people to meet.

Слайд 7
Big Ben is the biggest bell in the clock tower

in Britain.

Big Ben is the biggest bell in the clock tower in Britain.

Слайд 8
The Tower of London is the oldest place in London

The Tower of London is the oldest place in London

Слайд 9
The river Thames is the deepest and the most beautiful

river in Britain.

The river Thames is the deepest and the most beautiful river in Britain.

Слайд 10
This is the biggest wheel in Britain

This is the biggest wheel in Britain

Слайд 11New Grammar
Big-the biggest
high-the highest
deep-the deepest
old-the oldest

___?___ word

Famous-the most famous
popular-the most popular
beautiful- the most beautiful

__?__ word
New Grammar Big-the biggest high-the highestdeep-the deepest old-the oldest  ___?___ wordFamous-the most famouspopular-the most popularbeautiful- the

Слайд 12I want to visit … because it is …… in


I want to visit … because it is …… in London.

Слайд 13Подводим итог урока
Что нового ты сегодня узнал?

Что тебе было


Что тебе было трудно выполнять?

А что было легко ?

Подводим итог урокаЧто нового ты сегодня узнал? Что тебе было интересно? Что тебе было трудно выполнять?А что

Слайд 14Homework
There are many interesting places in L_ _ _ _

_. Trafalgar Park is the most popular place for people

to meet. The London E_ _ is the biggest wheel in Britain. The river Lena is the most deepest and the smallest river in Britain. Tower Bridge is the oldest park in London. Hyde Museum is the most famous place for people to walk. Big B_ _ is the biggest bell in the clock tower in Moscow.

HomeworkThere are many interesting places in L_ _ _ _ _. Trafalgar Park is the most popular

Слайд 15Интернет ресурсы:

Интернет ресурсы:http://www.templateswise.com/detail/link-58.htmlwww.fotoart.org.uawww.london-pictures.comhttp://www.english-easy.info/grammar/adj11.phphttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z21--Xqtdgc

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