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The main attractions of the Red Square

Moscow KremlinThe history of the main square in Moscow began from the Moscow Kremlin. A modern name was assigned to her at the end of the 17th century. The place was

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Слайд 1The main attractions of the Red Square

The most famous place

in Russia and Moscow, a witness to the fateful events

of the past, and now - the main arena of grandiose festivities in Moscow - Red Square - is rightly called the heart of the capital and the face of the country.

The main attractions of the Red SquareThe most famous place in Russia and Moscow, a witness to

Слайд 2Moscow Kremlin
The history of the main square in Moscow began

from the Moscow Kremlin. A modern name was assigned to

her at the end of the 17th century. The place was named Red Square not for the red color of the Kremlin walls, but for its beauty. The trade and political center of the city, surrounded by real masterpieces of architecture. But the main attraction of Red Square is the Kremlin. The Moscow Kremlin is one of the world's largest architectural ensembles - ancient temples and chambers, palaces and administrative buildings. The Kremlin is also a unique museum complex in Moscow, one of the richest treasures of historical and artistic relics and monuments.
Moscow KremlinThe history of the main square in Moscow began from the Moscow Kremlin. A modern name

Слайд 3St. Basil's Cathedral

The main church in Moscow was built in

1555-1561. Construction was a triumphal victory over the Kazan Khanate.

The amazing beauty of the temple gave rise to an interesting legend that the architects who participated in the creation of the cathedral were blinded by order of Ivan the Terrible so that they could not build such a masterpiece.
St. Basil's Cathedral The main church in Moscow was built in 1555-1561. Construction was a triumphal victory

Слайд 4 Monument to Minin and Pozharsky
The legendary monument dedicated to Kuzma

Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky - the leaders of the

second people's militia, whose troops liberated Moscow from the Polish invaders in 1612. In 1812, work began on the creation of the monument. Its casting required 1,100 pounds of copper. After the end of the Patriotic War of 1812, the monument acquired a special socio-patriotic meaning: it was intended to become a symbol of the victorious expulsion of invaders from Moscow.

Monument to Minin and PozharskyThe legendary monument dedicated to Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky -

Слайд 5Frontal place

Until the time of Peter the Great, the Frontal

place remained the main political tribune of the country. From

this elevated round platform, royal decrees and sentences were announced, they announced the election of a patriarch, the start of a war or the conclusion of peace. Often on the Forefront for the veneration of the people exhibited the relics of Orthodox saints. But executions, contrary to popular belief, were extremely rare here
Frontal placeUntil the time of Peter the Great, the Frontal place remained the main political tribune of

Слайд 6GUM
The front facade of the Red Square overlooks the GUM

building. Built in 1893. A large three-story pseudo-Russian-style building stretches

along the eastern border of the square for about a quarter of a kilometer. Today it is the most beautiful store in Moscow. The venue for cultural events - art exhibitions, concerts, fashion shows, interesting photo shoots. Every winter, a Christmas market and the main city ice rink open in front of the GUM building.

GUMThe front facade of the Red Square overlooks the GUM building. Built in 1893. A large three-story

Слайд 7Historical Museum

A huge red building, reminiscent of an old Russian

house, was erected in the north of Red Square in

1875-1883. Today, the museum collection includes over 5 million items that reflect the politics, economy, and culture of the Russian state from ancient times to the beginning of the 20th century.
Historical MuseumA huge red building, reminiscent of an old Russian house, was erected in the north of

Слайд 8Mausoleum V.I. Lenin

In front of the Senate Tower of the

Kremlin is a unique historical and architectural object of the

20th century - the Lenin Mausoleum, which became the center of the western part of Red Square. The existing stone building of the mausoleum, erected in 1929-1930, is the third in a row. The two tombs preceding it were created as temporary and were wooden.
Mausoleum V.I. LeninIn front of the Senate Tower of the Kremlin is a unique historical and architectural

Слайд 9Necropolis near the Kremlin wall
The history of the legendary churchyard

began in 1917, when 240 revolutionary fighters who died in

the October armed uprising in Moscow were buried in mass graves dug from Nikolsky to Spassky Gates. Subsequently, not only mass graves appeared near the Kremlin wall, but also separate burials. For several decades, the Honorary Necropolis was replenished with 12 graves of prominent state and military figures of the Soviet Union (I. Stalin, K. Voroshilov, S. Budenny, L. Brezhnev and others).
Necropolis near the Kremlin wallThe history of the legendary churchyard began in 1917, when 240 revolutionary fighters

Слайд 10The Spasskaya Tower

Of the twenty towers of the Kremlin, four

go to Red Square - Angular Arsenalnaya, Nikolskaya, Senate and

Spasskaya. The latter - a tall and beautiful clock tower is familiar to everyone: holiday chime of her chimes has long been an attribute of the New Year in Russia.
The Spasskaya TowerOf the twenty towers of the Kremlin, four go to Red Square - Angular Arsenalnaya,

Слайд 11The ensemble of the bell tower of Ivan the Great


final stage of the unification of Great Russian lands, the

final overthrow of the Horde yoke, the formation of a single Russian state, fell on the reign of Ivan the Great.
In memory of the sovereign of all Russia, whose policy played such an important role in the fate of the country, in 1505 a new bell-temple was laid. Today, on three tiers of the bell ringing of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower and on the adjoining annexes there are 22 ancient bells. Since 2008, a museum has been operating in a historic building.
The ensemble of the bell tower of Ivan the GreatThe final stage of the unification of Great

Слайд 12 Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell

The masterpieces of Russian foundry art

- Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell - are located on

the Ivanovo Square of the Kremlin. Both giant monuments were cast in the Cannon Yard, but in different historical eras.
Be that as it may, the very appearance of the monuments - their impressive size and skillful decorative design amaze the imagination and cause genuine delight.
Tsar Cannon and Tsar BellThe masterpieces of Russian foundry art - Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell

Слайд 13Grand Kremlin Palace
The large-scale construction, erected in the years 1838-1849,

originally served as the Moscow residence of the Russian monarchs

and their families. Today it is the ceremonial residence of the President of Russia. Ceremonies of the inauguration of the head of state, negotiations with leaders of other countries, state awards ceremonies and other official nationwide events are held here. However, it is still possible to see the palace from the inside: in their free time from the events, excursions are carried out here according to preliminary requests from organizations.

Grand Kremlin PalaceThe large-scale construction, erected in the years 1838-1849, originally served as the Moscow residence of

Слайд 14Alexander Garden

From Red Square to the Kremlin Embankment, a

park stretches along the western wall of the Moscow Kremlin

with a history of almost two centuries. The current common name was obtained in 1856 in honor of Alexander I, the winner of Napoleon and the liberator of Europe. Among the famous attractions of the Alexander Garden is the "Italian Grotto", symbolizing the rebirth of Moscow from the ashes, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a composition with fountains and sculptures that imitate the bed of the Neglinka River.
Alexander Garden From Red Square to the Kremlin Embankment, a park stretches along the western wall of

Слайд 15 Thanks for attention
The work was performed by Chechneva Daria

Thanks for attentionThe work was performed by Chechneva Daria

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