Слайд 1The Rights and duties of the taxpayer in RF.
Слайд 2 Tax this price, which we all pay for
possibility to use the public facility for determined total integer,
for instance, the defence and have an influence upon distribution incom and property between people .
By Svensson
Слайд 3The Plan
The Notion of the taxes and collection.
The Duties of
the taxpayer.
The Rights of the taxpayer.
Слайд 4Tax
obligatory, individually free payment, charging organ state authorities different
level with organization and physical persons in purpose of the
financial provision to activity state and (or) of the municipal formation
The Tax follows to distinguish from collection (the duties), which charging carries not free nature, but is a condition of completion in respect of their payer determined action.
Слайд 5Tax system
Charging the taxes is adjusted by tax legislation. The
Collection of the installed taxes, as well as principle, the
forms and methods of their determination, change, cancelling, charging and checking form the tax system.
Слайд 6Types of the taxes
1. Direct and indirect:
Direct are levied with
economic agent for incoms from factor production( the personal income-tax,
tax on profit);
Indirect consisting in most price on consumer item tax with sale, value added tax)
Слайд 7Types of the taxes
2. Chord and income:
Chord are fixed outside
of dependencies from level of the incom of the economic
Income-taxes - some determined percent from incom (13%)
Слайд 8Types of the taxes
The Income-taxes themselves are divided on three
The Progressive tax tax, beside which average tax rate
dependent straight pro rata from level of the incom. Thereby if incom of the agent increases, that grows and tax rate. But if, on the contrary, falls the value of the incom, that rate in the same way falls.
The Retrogressive tax tax, whose average rate of the tax back proportional level of the incom. This means that when increase incom economic agent, rate falls, and, on the contrary, grows if incom decreases.
The Proportional tax tax, rate which does not depend on values of the taxed incom.
Слайд 9Types of the taxes
Federal tax and dues
(are fixed by Tax
code and obligatory to payment on the whole territory of
the Russian Federation):
value added tax excises
tax on incoms of the physical persons united social tax tax on profit organization tax on mining useful fossilized tax with property, moving over to order of the inheritance or presenting water tax
dues for use object animal of the world and for use object water biological resource state duty
Слайд 10Types of the taxes
Regional tax
(are fixed by Tax code and
law subject to Russian Federation about tax and obligatory to
payment on territory corresponding to subject to Russian Federation):
tax on property organization tax on gaming business transport tax
Слайд 11Types of the taxes
Local tax
(are fixed by Tax code and
normative legal acts representative organ municipal formation about tax and
obligatory to payment on territory corresponding to municipal formation):
земельный tax tax on property of the physical persons
Слайд 12Taxpayers
the subjects of the tax relations, on which law
is entrusted duty to pay the tax to account of
the own facilities.
the physical persons:
Person - a businessman
the juridical persons:
-an usual organizations
-small businesses -commercial
-a nonprofit organizations
Слайд 13Duties taxpayer
Well-timed and full payment of the tax.
The Duty
to lead accounting, form the reports about financial and economic
activity, providing silt safety not less five years.
Duty to present tax organ required for calculus and payment of the taxes documents and information
Слайд 14Duties taxpayer
The Duty to contribute the corrections in accounting reporting
in size of the amount сокрытого or understated incom (arrived),
revealled check tax organ.
The Duty in the event of disagreement with fact, stated in act of the check, present the written explanations a motive refusal of signing of this act.
Duty to report tax organ in десятидневный period about accepted decision on liquidations (reorganization) of the juridical person
Слайд 15Rights taxpayer
The Right to use the privelege on payment of
the taxes on base and in order, installed by legislative
The Right to present the tax organ documents, confirming right on priveleges on tax is derived by the first.
Слайд 16Rights taxpayer
The Right to get acquainted with acts of the
check, called on tax organ, is a warranty of the
right on protection.
The Right to present the tax organ of the explanation on calculus and payment of the taxes and on acts of the called on check.
The Right in installed by law order to appeal the decisions tax organ and actions of their executives.
Слайд 17Responsibility for breach tax legislation
Punishments are provided For tax crimes
in the manner of fine, deprivations of the liberty, deprivations
of the right to concern with business activity on determined period.
Слайд 18Д/З
Page.131-132, record
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