Разделы презентаций

The school in my dreams is not very big, but very comfortable.

It has many beautiful classrooms,with TV. tape-recorders, computers,many interesting pictures and other modem conveniences 

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1The school in my dreams is not very big, but

very comfortable.

The school in my dreams is not very big, but very comfortable.

Слайд 2It has many beautiful classrooms,
with TV. tape-recorders,
computers,many interesting

and other modem

It has many beautiful classrooms,with TV. tape-recorders, computers,many interesting pictures and other modem conveniences 

Слайд 3With the help of computers we can carry out exercises

and receive marks. That is very interesting

With the help of computers we can carry out exercises and receive marks. That is very interesting

Слайд 4Now 1 want to tell 'you about the furniture in

our classrooms. All the tables are new with computer in

it, comfortable. with shelves and vases for pens
Now 1 want to tell 'you about the furniture in our classrooms. All the tables are new

Слайд 5One of the parts of our cloak-room is a shower.

The corridors in our school are light-filled.

One of the parts of our cloak-room is a shower. The corridors in our school are light-filled.

Слайд 6In the classroom I want to sec big bookcases with

many interesting books and magazines

In the classroom I want to sec big bookcases with many interesting books and magazines

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