Разделы презентаций

The theme: A day in my life

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 The 24 th of December, Saturday

The theme: A day in my life

“B ” class
The 24 th of December, Saturday     The theme: A day

Слайд 2



I. Warm-up


Слайд 3II. Presentation of new text:

Omar`s day

My name is

Omar and I`m eleven. I come from Kazakhstan but I live in London now. I go to school. I get up at half past seven in the morning and I have breakfast at eight o`clock. School starts at nine and we have seven lessons every day. We learn English, French, Mathematics, Science, Geography, Art, Computer Studies and Home Economics. I like Maths and English but I don`t like History. Lunch is at one o`clock. I have lunch at school. In the afternoon we have lessons or sport. School finishes at a quarter to three. I go home. Before supper I read or play with my English friends. We have supper at seven o`clock and then I do my homework or watch TV. I go to bed at ten o`clock.

II. Presentation of new text:    Omar`s day

Слайд 4 III. Practice.
Exercise 8, p. 95 Right

( ) or wrong (x)

Right () or wrong (x)
Omar is twelve years old. ………………………………
He lives in Astana now. ………………………………
He gets up at half past seven. ……………………………….
He has breakfast at half past eight. ……………………………….
He has lunch at one o`clock. ……………………………….
He has supper at six o`clock. ……………………………….
He has five lessons every day. ……………………………….
He goes to bed at nine o`clock. ……………………………….
School starts at ten o`clock in the morning………………………….
School finishes at three o`clock in the afternoon……………………
He likes English. ………………………………
III. Practice.Exercise 8, p. 95 Right ( ) or wrong (x)

Слайд 5Working in pairs:
Exercise 9,p.95 Correct these sentences
For example: Omar is

twelve. No, he is eleven.

Omar lives in Washington now.
He gets

up at half past eight in the morning.
He has breakfast at nine o`clock.
He has lunch at twelve o`clock.
He has supper at six o`clock.
He has five lessons every day.
He likes History.
School starts at ten o`clock.
School finishes at two o`clock.
He goes to bed at eight o`clock.
Working in pairs:Exercise 9,p.95 Correct these sentencesFor example: Omar is twelve. No, he is eleven.Omar lives in

Слайд 6Revision of grammar
Present Indefinite Tense

Every day
I speak

We speak
You speak

You speak
They speak
She speaks
He speaks
It eats


Revision of grammar  Present Indefinite TenseVs/esAlwaysUsuallyOftenSometimesEvery dayI speak      We speakYou speak

Слайд 7Making sentences:

Making sentences:

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