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The twelve dancing princesses 4 класс

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Who lived in the castle?

Who lived in the castle?

Слайд 2Who lived in the forest?

Who lived in the forest?

Слайд 3Who helped Cinderella?

Who helped Cinderella?

Слайд 4Who helped scarecrow?

Who helped scarecrow?

Слайд 5Where did Baba Yaga live?

Where did Baba Yaga live?

Слайд 6Where did a dragon live?

Where did a dragon live?

Слайд 7The twelve dancing princesses
Princesses, a king, a soldier
Good, beautiful, brave,


The twelve dancing princessesPrincesses, a king, a soldierGood, beautiful, brave, wise,Palace

Слайд 8What happened?
Princess lived, prince came, princess gave a cup of

tea, prince slept all night, soldier came, he didn’t drink

the tea, princess cast a spell, the portrait turned into a door, the princesses ran out into a cave, soldier took a cloak, he ran after the princesses, he saw a beautiful garden….
What happened?Princess lived, prince came, princess gave a cup of tea, prince slept all night, soldier came,

Слайд 9The twelve dancing princesses

The twelve dancing princesses

Слайд 10What do you think?
It was scared , frightening fairy tale.

was boring fairy tale.
It was fantastic, exciting fairy tale.

What do you think?It was scared , frightening fairy tale.It was boring fairy tale.It was fantastic, exciting

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