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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland \ppt\


Краткая аннотация проекта Данный урок может быть проведен как урок систематизации знаний в системе уроков по теме: «Великобритания» по учебникам Кузовлева В.П. и Верещагиной И. Н..Тема презентации

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Слайд 2Краткая аннотация проекта
Данный урок может

быть проведен как урок систематизации знаний в системе уроков по

теме: «Великобритания» по учебникам Кузовлева В.П. и Верещагиной И. Н..Тема презентации способствует формированию социальной и коммуникативной компетентностей.
Краткая аннотация проекта     Данный урок может быть проведен как урок систематизации знаний в

Слайд 3Основополагающий вопрос
The UK is an English

speaking country with its traditions, isn’t it?

Основополагающий вопрос    The UK is an English speaking country with its traditions, isn’t it?

Слайд 4Подтемы проекта:
A. Parts of the United Kingdom
B. Symbols and flags

of the countries
C. Sights of London

Подтемы проекта:A. Parts of the United KingdomB. Symbols and flags of the countriesC. Sights of London

Слайд 5Проблемные вопросы:
A. Why can we say that Great Britain is

a part of the Kingdom?
B. Is it possible to

speak about countries without their symbols?
C. Sights of London are connected with the past, aren’t they?
Проблемные вопросы:A. Why can we say that Great Britain is a part of  the Kingdom?B. Is

Слайд 6England
Every country has its

own symbol. Red rose is the emblem of England. The

flag of England is the red cross of St.George.

England      Every country has its own symbol. Red rose is the emblem

Слайд 7Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland has its

own symbol- a shamrock.The flag is the red cross of

Northern Ireland     Northern Ireland has its own symbol- a shamrock.The flag is the

Слайд 8Scotland
The national symbol of Scotland

is the thistle and a white flag of St. Andrew.

Scotland     The national symbol of Scotland is the thistle and a white flag

Слайд 9Wales
Wales has a daffodil, as a

symbol.There are many of them in the Wales valleys.

Wales    Wales has a daffodil, as a symbol.There are many of them in the

Слайд 10‘Union Jack’
The flag of the United

Kingdom is known as the Union Jack.It is made up

of three crosses.
‘Union Jack’    The flag of the United Kingdom is known as the Union Jack.It

Слайд 11Историческое прошлое Лондона
Авторы проекта:
Веретенникова Марина,
Горшкова Тамара,
ученицы 7 «А» класса


Историческое прошлое ЛондонаАвторы проекта:Веретенникова Марина,Горшкова Тамара, ученицы 7 «А» класса МОУ СОШ с УИОП г.Кирс

Слайд 12Историческое прошлое Лондона
Авторы проекта:
Веретенникова Марина,
Горшкова Тамара,
ученицы 7 «А» класса


Историческое прошлое ЛондонаАвторы проекта:Веретенникова Марина,Горшкова Тамара, ученицы 7 «А» класса МОУ СОШ с УИОП г.Кирс

Слайд 131. It is the largest sguare. You can see a

tall column. People go there to see the New Year

1. It is the largest sguare. You can see a tall column. People go there to see

Слайд 14 It is the residence of the British Queen.

There are many guards near it. They are dressed in

red clothes and black caps.
It  is the residence of the British Queen. There are many guards near it. They

Слайд 15It is one of the oldest buildings. It was a

prison, a fortress in the past. Black ravens live there

It is one of the oldest buildings. It was a prison, a fortress in the past. Black

Слайд 16It is the largest clock. It strikes every hour. Many

tourists want to see it.

It is the largest clock. It strikes every hour. Many tourists want to see it.

Слайд 17This building is situated on the bank of the river

Thames. It consists of two Houses.The flag can be seen

over it.
This building is situated on the bank of the river Thames. It consists of two Houses.The flag

Слайд 18It is one of the oldest churches. It is crowned

with a huge dome. Sir Christopher Wren built it 35

It is one of the oldest churches. It is crowned with a huge dome. Sir Christopher Wren

Слайд 19Test
1. Great Britain is separated from the continent by…

a. the Pacific Ocean

b. the Irish Sea
c. the Bristol Channel
d. the English Channel
2. Britain’s population is more than…million people
a. 56 b. 5,6 c. 560 d. 7
 3. The head of State in Britain is…
a. the Prime Minister
b. the President
c. the Queen
d. the Speaker
4. The ‘Union Jack’ is…
a. the flag of the UK
b. the flag of Scotland
c. the flag of Wales
d. the flag of England
 5. The symbol of England is….
a. daffodil b. shamrock
c. red rose d. thistle
 6. The capital of the UK is….
a. Belfast b. Dublin
c. Edinburgh d. London
  7. How many countries are there in the UK?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 1 d. 4
Test1. Great Britain is separated from the continent by…     a. the Pacific Ocean

1. Where does the Queen work?
2. Who does the

power in the country belong to?
3. Is Westminster Abbey an

attractive place for tourists?
4. What did the Tower of London use to be in the past?
5. Where can you see Big Ben?
6. What is Trafalgar Square famous for?

QUESTIONS1. Where does the Queen work? 2. Who does the power in the country belong to?3. Is

Слайд 21Состав УМП
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Состав УМПВизиткаПрезентация учащихсяДидактические материалыТестыВопросник

Слайд 22Спасибо за внимание !

Спасибо за внимание !

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