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Путешествие по достопримечательностям Лондона

CONTENT:What is H.C. like?Where is H.C. located?When was H.C. built?Who was H. C. built by?Conclusion: Why was H. C built ? What is H. C . Used for?

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Prepared by
Shurganova N S

HAMPTON COURTPrepared by Shurganova N S

What is H.C. like?
Where is H.C. located?
When was H.C. built?

was H. C. built by?
Conclusion: Why was H. C built

What is H. C . Used for?
CONTENT:What is H.C. like?Where is H.C. located?When was H.C. built?Who was H. C. built by?Conclusion: Why was

Слайд 3Hampton Court -the palace park ensemble in London
What is H.C.


Hampton Court -the palace park ensemble in LondonWhat is H.C. like?

Слайд 4Where is H.C. located?

Located on the left bank of the

river Thames,near London Borough of Richmond upon Thames

Where is H.C. located?Located on the left bank of the river Thames,near London Borough of Richmond upon

Слайд 5When was H.C. built?
He start bilding in 1514,when a favorite

of King Henry 8-Cardinal Thomas Wolsey bought a piece of

land previously owned by the Order of the Hospitallers.The following 7 years was being build the palace in the Renaissance and Gothic styles which Wolsey spent 200 thousend gold “crowns with a rose”
When was H.C. built?He start bilding in 1514,when a favorite of King Henry 8-Cardinal Thomas Wolsey bought

Слайд 6Who was H. C. built by?
It was built by Cardinal

Thomas Wolsey by purchasing a piece of land previously owned

by the Order of the Hospitallers.
Who was H. C. built by?It was built by Cardinal Thomas Wolsey by purchasing a piece of


Today, the palace is open to the public,

and is a major tourist attraction. It is cared for by an independent charity, Historic Royal Palaces which receives no funding from the Government or the Crown. The palace's Home Park is the site of the annual Hampton Court Palace Festival and Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. Along with St. James's Palace, it is one of only two surviving palaces out of the many owned by Henry VIII.

WHY WAS H. C BUILT ? WHAT IS H. C . USED FOR?Today, the palace is open

Слайд 9The end

The end

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