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From Old to new art

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Слайд 1Prepared by Holub Marharyta
From Old
to new art

Prepared by Holub MarharytaFrom Old to new art

Слайд 2Classicism 18th century

Classicism 18th century

Слайд 3Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), France

Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825), France

Слайд 4Madame-Seriziat
Charlotte Corday

Madame-Seriziat Charlotte Corday

Слайд 5Portrait of Monsieur Lavoisier and His Wife.

Portrait of Monsieur Lavoisier and His Wife.

Слайд 6An Zhyrode Louis de Rus Triozon (1767-1824), France

An Zhyrode Louis de Rus Triozon (1767-1824), France

Слайд 7Hippocrate refusant les présents d'Artaxerxès 

Hippocrate refusant les présents d'Artaxerxès 

Слайд 8Cathelineau


Слайд 9Jean-Baptiste Regnault

Jean-Baptiste Regnault

Слайд 10Hortense de Beauharnais
Jean-Pierre de Montalivet

Hortense de Beauharnais Jean-Pierre de Montalivet

Слайд 11Romanticism late 18th- early 19th

Romanticism late 18th- early 19th

Слайд 12Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix

Ferdinand Victor Eugène Delacroix

Слайд 13Execution of Doge Marino Falyero
Liberty leading the people

Execution of Doge Marino FalyeroLiberty leading the people

Слайд 14Ivan Aivazovsky

Ivan Aivazovsky

Слайд 15View of Constantinople

View of Constantinople

Слайд 16The Ninth Wave 

The Ninth Wave 

Слайд 17Chaos 
Brig Mercury Attacked by Two Turkish Ships 

Chaos  Brig Mercury Attacked by Two Turkish Ships 

Слайд 18Impressionism, cubism, surrealism, abstractionism 20th century

Impressionism, cubism, surrealism, abstractionism 20th century

Слайд 19Claude Monet (Impressionism)

Claude Monet (Impressionism)

Слайд 20Woman with umbrella

Woman with umbrellaWaterlilies

Слайд 22Edgar Degas (Impressionism)

Edgar Degas (Impressionism)

Слайд 23 Run-through


Слайд 24Dance class

Dance class

Слайд 25Juan Gris (cubism)

Juan Gris (cubism)

Слайд 26Glass of Beer and Playing Cards

Glass of Beer and Playing Cards

Слайд 27Pablo Picasso (cubism)

Pablo Picasso (cubism)

Слайд 28 Violin and Guitar  
 Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler

Violin and Guitar   Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler

Слайд 29Salvador Dalí (surrealism)

Salvador Dalí (surrealism)

Слайд 30 Basket of Bread
The Burning Giraffe

 Basket of BreadThe Burning Giraffe

Слайд 31Kazimir Malevich (surrealism) 

Kazimir Malevich (surrealism) 

Слайд 32Black-square

Black-square Suprematism

Слайд 33Petrykivka style (20th century)

Petrykivka style (20th century)

Слайд 34 Naive art (20th century)

Naive art (20th century)

Слайд 35Maria Prymachenko

Maria Prymachenko

Слайд 36Pink flowers in a blue vase
Peacocks in flowers

Pink flowers in a blue vasePeacocks in flowers

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