Разделы презентаций


Translators convert written material from one or more 'source languages' into the 'target language', ensuring that the translated version conveys the meaning of the original as clearly as possible. The target

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Translator


Слайд 2Translators convert written material from one or more 'source languages'

into the 'target language', ensuring that the translated version conveys

the meaning of the original as clearly as possible. The target language is normally the translator’s mother tongue.
Translators convert written material from one or more 'source languages' into the 'target language', ensuring that the

Слайд 3Transcreating may also be part of the job and is

a mix of translation, localisation and copywriting, where the text

is culturally and linguistically adapted to suit the reader.
Transcreating may also be part of the job and is a mix of translation, localisation and copywriting,

Слайд 4Translators work on:
and educational documents.

Translators work on:scientific;technical;commercial;literary;legal;and educational documents.

Слайд 5Most translators work freelance from home, either for translation agencies

or directly for clients, although some organisations employ in-house translators.

Most translators work freelance from home, either for translation agencies or directly for clients, although some organisations

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