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Transport in London. Lesson Plan 9th grade

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1 Questionnaire
1. How is form used in Gerund?
a) ing

2. Gerund is used:
a) after

b) after suffixes
c)after prefixes
3. Gerund is used:
a) infinitive
b) object
c) article
4. Gerund is used:
a) after idioms
b) phrasal verb
c) after adverb
5. Gerund is used:
a) adjective
b) plural nouns
c) subject
Questionnaire1. How is form used in Gerund? 	a) ing  	b)-err 	c)-est. 2. Gerund is used:

Слайд 2Герундий – The Gerund







Герундий – The Gerund

Слайд 31 .Who is the head of Kazakhstan?

2 . Knowledge is


3. National language of our republic.

4. Better late than _______

5.__________ or west home is best

6. Who studies at school?

7 .The translation of all the words you can find in this book.

8. Which month does Kazakhstan celebrate the Independence Day?

9. What is the colour of our state flag?
1 .Who is the head of Kazakhstan?2 . Knowledge is _______________.3. National language of our republic.4. Better

Слайд 4Transport in London

Transport in London

Слайд 5
coach -

passenger -
single-decker bus -
double-decker bus -
porter -
booking -office
queue -

алыс жолға бара-
тын автобус
бір қабатты автовус
екі қабатты автовус
жүк тасушы
билет кассасы

Read the words after the teacher and try to
remember them

coach -

Слайд 6London's double-decker red buses are world famous.
The city has

nearly 1,000 bus routes and buses of many other types

and colours also travel on them.

Old style double Decker

New double Decker Cost of travelling on buses

London's double-decker red buses are world famous. The city has nearly 1,000 bus routes and buses of

Слайд 7 If it has two floors it’s called a

double-decker and you can get a

view from the top. If it has
only one floor it’s called a single-
Buses have a two person crew
it’s a driver who drives, of course,
and the conductor (or the
conductress if it’s a woman) who
takes your money. Keep your
ticket as the inspector might want
to check it. You catch a bus
waiting at a bus stop.
A double-decker bus has an
upstairs (top) and a downstairs
For longer distances take
a long distance bus called
a coach which is slower but

a single-decker

a double-decker

a coach

If it has two floors it’s called a  double-decker and you can get a

Слайд 8You must buy a ticket before boarding the buses in

London. There are ticket machines at most bus stops
Buses display

their route number in large digits at the front, side, and rear of the bus.
You must buy a ticket before boarding the buses in London. There are ticket machines at most

Слайд 9The London Underground (the Tube) is the oldest metro system

in the world, upon which nearly 1 billion journeys are

made each year. If you want to travel fast around London, taking the tube will get you to your destination quicker than bus or taxi. Trains generally depart every 3 or 4 minutes, less frequently at weekends and late at night.

A Black Cab taxi holds up to 5 people and can be picked up from outside the airport.
The journey time by by taxi into central London is 50 - 75 minutes.

The London Underground (the Tube) is the oldest metro system in the world, upon which nearly 1

Слайд 10

a. conductor and conductress,

b. inspector and bus driver,
c. single-decker

and double-
d. bus and coach.

What is the diffrence between ....

a. conductor and conductress,   b. inspector and bus driver,



Слайд 14Double- Decker

Double- Decker

Слайд 15A single-decker

A single-decker

Слайд 16Airport in London

Airport in London

Слайд 17Volkswagen London Taxi

Volkswagen London Taxi

Слайд 18

Metro in Kazakhstan

Metro in Kazakhstan

Слайд 20Airport in Kazakhstan

Airport in Kazakhstan

Слайд 22
Tickerty -tack Over the track Far, far away Puffing all day Tickerty -too Hurry up

do! Trains cannot wait Must not be late Tickerty -tock Nickerty-nock Speeding along Singing this song Tickerty-tackerty Nickerty-nackerty Tickerty-tackerty Tock!


press on the starter, The propeller whirls around My airplane and I Brush over the ground. I lift from the field, The motor roars out loud, Far below is the earth, Above me a bright cloud. I dip and I drop I swoop and I rise-- Oh, it's fun to be flying
Way up in the skies!

Poem about Transport



Tickerty -tack Over the track Far, far away Puffing all day  Tickerty -too Hurry up

Слайд 23Seven riddles
traffic light )
(Теміржол-железная дарога -
(пойыз- поезд - train)
(Жол –дорога-road)

Жүр асығып.
Далаға құрған өрмегін
Үстімен зулап келемін.
Көзін ашып жұмады.
Бағыт сілтеп тұрады

Seven riddles(Бағдаршам-Светафор-traffic light )(Теміржол-железная дарога -railway)(Троллейбус-троллейбус-tram)(пойыз- поезд - train)(Автобус-автобус-bus)(Жол –дорога-road)(Шайтанарба–Велосипед-bicycle)Сымға асылып,Жүр асығып.Далаға құрған өрмегінҮстімен зулап келемін.Көзін ашып

Слайд 24Who is faster?(Doing exercises)
Ex: 3
Put in the – ing form.

Words you need: paint, stay, close, be, play, go, lie,

take, laugh, smoke.
For London’s group
He started________ early. His pictures are great.
Do you mind_______ the windows?
I hate _______ alone at home.
I don’t mind _____ the monitor.
Then he started_______ the piano.

For Kazakhstan’s group
I dislike____ part in concerts.
Do you enjoy ____ on the beach?
Mum suggested_____ home early.
I couldn’t help ________ looking at her.
I am so happy Dad stopped_______.

Who is faster?(Doing exercises)Ex: 3Put in the – ing form. Words you need: paint, stay, close, be,

Слайд 25London
Things in
BEN Diagram

LondonKazakhstanThings in commonBEN Diagram

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