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Творческий проект "London Eye"

HistoryThe London Eye was designed by architects Frank Anatole, Nic Bailey, Steve Chilton, Malcolm Cook, Mark Sparrowhawk, and the husband-and-wife team of Julia Barfield and David Marks.

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1

Слайд 2History
The London Eye was designed by architects Frank Anatole, Nic

Bailey, Steve Chilton, Malcolm Cook, Mark Sparrowhawk, and the husband-and-wife

team of Julia Barfield and David Marks.

HistoryThe London Eye was designed by architects Frank Anatole, Nic Bailey, Steve Chilton, Malcolm Cook, Mark Sparrowhawk,

Слайд 3Opening


Слайд 5Construction
Over 1700 tons of steel were used for the structure.

Its steel design forms an "A" shape, with two large

legs at the base - 20 meters apart and each over 58 meters in length. The legs lean to the river at a 65-degree angle.
ConstructionOver 1700 tons of steel were used for the structure. Its steel design forms an

Слайд 6The wheel has 32 passenger capsules. Each capsule holds up

to 25 people, who can walk around inside, and seating

is provided too. The wheel rotates at 26 cm per second so that one revolution takes about 30 minutes.
The wheel has 32 passenger capsules. Each capsule holds up to 25 people, who can walk around

Слайд 7 360° view over London

360° view over London

Слайд 8What is the London Eye useful for?

What is the London Eye useful for?.



Слайд 10Weddings on the London Eye

Weddings on the London Eye

Слайд 11Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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