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Учебный творческий проект "The seasons and the weather"


By Philipyev DmitryTeacher Berlet IrinaYekaterinburg, 2016The seasons and the weather

Слайды и текст этой презентации

Слайд 1Выполнил ученик 5 класса Филипьев Дмитрий
Руководитель: Берлет И.В.
Екатеринбург, 2015
ШДО «Ресурс»

года и погода

Выполнил ученик 5 класса Филипьев ДмитрийРуководитель: Берлет И.В.Екатеринбург, 2015ШДО «Ресурс»Времена года и погода

Слайд 2By Philipyev Dmitry
Teacher Berlet Irina
Yekaterinburg, 2016
The seasons and the weather

By Philipyev DmitryTeacher Berlet IrinaYekaterinburg, 2016The seasons and the weather

Слайд 3Winter
Winter is the coldest time of the year. It starts

in December.

WinterWinter is the coldest time of the year. It starts in December.

Слайд 4Rivers and lakes are covered with thick ice.


Rivers and lakes are covered with thick ice.Winter

Слайд 5Everywhere there is fluffy snow.

Everywhere there is fluffy snow. Winter

Слайд 6Children are happy. They ski, skate, play snowballs, make snowmen.


Children are happy. They ski, skate, play snowballs, make snowmen. Winter

Слайд 7In winter we celebrate The New Year Day and Christmas.

In winter we celebrate The New Year Day and Christmas.Winter

Слайд 8Spring
Spring comes after winter. There are three spring months: March,

April and May.

SpringSpring comes after winter. There are three spring months: March, April and May.

Слайд 9Spring is the most delightful season of the year.

of the fact that in spring showers may be observed,

many people consider it the best of all seasons.


Spring is the most delightful season of the year. Despite of the fact that in spring showers

Слайд 10The spring holds the snow and running streams. In spring

the snow melts and streams flow. There are first snowdrops

in the forest. In the trees green leaves appear.


The spring holds the snow and running streams. In spring the snow melts and streams flow. There

Слайд 11In spring the days get longer and the nights shorter.

Only in spring the new life is born – buds

are opening and flowers are coming out.


In spring the days get longer and the nights shorter. Only in spring the new life is

Слайд 12Summer
There are three months in summer: June, July and August.

It is a time to rest and just have fun.

SummerThere are three months in summer: June, July and August. It is a time to rest and

Слайд 13Summer is a wonderful time of the year. It is

loved both adults and children.


Summer is a wonderful time of the year. It is loved both adults and children. Summer

Слайд 14In summer you can swim in the river or the

sea. Trees and shrubs adorn the lush green attire. The

ground is covered with green grass.


In summer you can swim in the river or the sea. Trees and shrubs adorn the lush

Слайд 15Sun shines from morning till night. Sometimes it rains. There

are a lot of berries and mushrooms in forests at

the end of August.


Sun shines from morning till night. Sometimes it rains. There are a lot of berries and mushrooms

Слайд 16Autumn
There are three months in Autumn: September, October, November.

the first of September children go to school.
Autumn can be

divided into two parts – the beginning of autumn and the end of it.
AutumnThere are three months in Autumn: September, October, November. On the first of September children go to

Слайд 17The weather at the beginning of Autumn is warm. Yellow

leaves fall and this majestic scenery won’t let us be



The weather at the beginning of Autumn is warm. Yellow leaves fall and this majestic scenery won’t

Слайд 18The second part of autumn is not as charming as

the first. Rains, slush and mud – it’s something that

people hate the most. It gets windy and rainy. The trees are dark yellow and red.


The second part of autumn is not as charming as the first. Rains, slush and mud –

Слайд 19In November as a rule the weather becomes cold. There

are no leaves in the trees. And after the 20-th

of November it usually snows.


In November as a rule the weather becomes cold. There are no leaves in the trees. And

Слайд 20I like all the seasons of the year but Summer

most of all.

I like all the seasons of the year but Summer most of all.

Слайд 21Thank for your attention!

Thank for your attention!

Слайд 22https://trashbox.ru/files/235828_f7095c/sims-3-seasons_20121030_1733286289.jpg


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